Bug's Piano Adventures! ๐ŸŽนโœจ


"I'm forever yours... faithfully" ๐Ÿ’™๐Ÿ’œ
Oct 30, 2011
Purple Flower Glow Wand
Fresh Balloon
Glam Balloon
Green Balloon
Purple Balloon
Fresh Feather
Glam Feather
Flower Glow Wand
Green Feather
Purple Feather
hello loves~
as some of you might already know, I am in fact a pianist! I have a bachelor's degree in music and my focus was on piano performance! I've actually been playing piano since Jan 2006, so I have quite a few years under my belt hehe ๐Ÿ˜Œ
as a performer, obviously, I very much enjoy playing pieces for others. I've done countless recitals over the last 17 years, I've done live concerts with cover bands and ensembles, and I also have many, many recordings that I've made of myself playing anything and everything on piano, going as far back as 2012. as such, making a thread where I can share my piano prowess with my fellow TBTers is right up my alley! I'm a classically trained musician, but I also play a lot of contemporary stuff, and recently (thanks to my ever growing interest in the music of Bruce Hornsby) I'm dabbling a bit in improvisation and jazz as well.

I just recently picked up some pieces of audio equipment that now allow me to record audio directly off of my keyboard and onto my computer! so I'd like to use this thread to record whatever random things I feel like playing, that way you guys can kick back and enjoy some piano vibes ๐ŸŽน๐Ÿ’•

here's my very first recording, it's honestly just a mishmash of things that I felt like playing in order to test out the recording process. my future recordings will (probably) be a lot more professional and well-composed. but it's still fun to listen to in the background, maybe while you're playing games or drawing or writing! I also noticed that in between pieces I just tap random keys hehe, that's how you know I'm very likely about to move on.
since it is, in fact, all over the place, I'll include some timestamps for the different things I play if you're interested in checking out a specific part:
0:00 - me realizing I didn't have my sustain pedal connected to my keyboard orz
0:51 - Build 6 (The Sims)
2:17 - Acoustic Curves (Animusic)
3:51 - Resonant Chamber (Animusic)
5:01 - Build 6 (again but with the E. Piano from SM64)
6:17 - Water World (Super Mario 64)
8:13 - Bob-omb Battlefield (Super Mario 64)
10:20 - The Way It Is (B. Hornsby)
12:29 - Mandolin Rain (B. Hornsby)
14:37 - Every Little Kiss (B. Hornsby)
16:30 - The River Runs Low (B. Hornsby) if it wasn't obvious I really love this guy haha
19:18 - The End of the Innocence (Don Henley and B. Hornsby)

if this is something you guys are interested in then I'll definitely be back with more soon! โ˜บ๏ธ๐Ÿ’–
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I'm back with a short one, I have a few others I'm working on and would definitely like to share soon but until camp is over I won't have much time. until then please enjoy this little cover I made of Wet Hands from Minecraft โ˜บ๏ธ
I definitely miss the Volume Alpha music, Minecraft just isn't the same without it ๐Ÿ˜”
bug you are so talented!! ive always wanted to play the piano and its something im going to learn in the near future. i am absolutely mesmerized by your cover of the sweet mystery galaxy. it's exactly the type of thing i would expect and desire to hear at the end of camp; your cover is so soothing and beautiful that im at a loss for words. it made me drift off into my own space like a dreamscape and i was very happy listening to it. thank you for blessing our ears with your covers and music! ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿฅฐ๐Ÿ’ซ๐Ÿ’ž
bug you are so talented!! ive always wanted to play the piano and its something im going to learn in the near future. i am absolutely mesmerized by your cover of the sweet mystery galaxy. it's exactly the type of thing i would expect and desire to hear at the end of camp; your cover is so soothing and beautiful that im at a loss for words. it made me drift off into my own space like a dreamscape and i was very happy listening to it. thank you for blessing our ears with your covers and music! ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿฅฐ๐Ÿ’ซ๐Ÿ’ž
aaaah you're so sweet ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ’– I'm glad you enjoy listening to me play, I definitely have more things planned for the future and I'm excited to share them as well ๐Ÿฅฐ
also that's so cool that you want to learn to play!! piano is my favorite instrument (I may be a little biased hehe) and it can be tricky to learn but it's so fun and rewarding to have that knowledge and ability! would definitely love to hear more about your experience with it if/when the time comes โค๏ธ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’™
I didn't know you were a musician! It's all so beautiful! And I don't know that I've ever met anyone else who knows about Animusic! I watched/listened to both Animusic 1 & 2 so many times. It's surreal to hear those songs on different instruments, and they might be even more beautiful on piano!
These are beautiful!! I've always been so impressed by people who can play the piano. Looking forwards to seeing more in the future! ๐Ÿ˜Š
here's a cover of one of my favorite pieces of music in Super Mario Galaxy 2, the Sweet Mystery Galaxy. I feel like this one is a nice way to send off TBT's space camp, it's been a really fun and wonderful time ๐Ÿฅบ๐Ÿ’žโœจ
I love SMG music with a passion that burns hotter than Bowser's flame attack! This is so beautiful, Bug!! I need a 10 hour version of this to have playing in the background!! ๐Ÿคฉ๐Ÿฅฐ it's so relaxing, I always loved piano music! I tried learning how to play in school but could never ever come close to sounding this good. It didn't help I could only manage playing the keys with one hand lol and I couldn't read sheet music for crap (still can't lol) and so I would try playing music by ear and surprisingly I was actually pretty good at it! I learned how to play the beginning melody of Mad Monster Mansion from Banjo-Kazooie all on my own, but boy howdy it's been a millennium since I've last even touched a piano ๐Ÿ˜‚
I actually recorded this last night and I initially wasn't planning on sharing it, but I think it sounds pretty good so I'll share it anyways! plus, I'm not sure when the final cover will be released, I still have some things to iron out first hehe.
this is a cover of Mandolin Rain by Bruce Hornsby, it's been one of my favorite songs since I was a teen. I actually played this a bit in my very first video, but since I'd like to do a proper cover I'm here playing it again! this was my first attempt, just trying to get a feel for it and whatnot, so of course it's not nearly perfect. It's still a vibe though ๐Ÿ˜Œ๐Ÿ’•
also may or may not actually sing along with the final version soooooo ๐Ÿ‘€