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🍂 Building an Autumn Playlist 🎶


Feb 28, 2020
Throwback Tickets
Famous Mushroom
Famous Mushroom
Famous Mushroom
Famous Mushroom
Famous Mushroom
I thought this could be a fun thread to make.
I want you guys to share some songs here that fit the autumn or spooky vibes of September, October, and November to you personally. Share why you chose the songs you did, and maybe some memories you have had with the song.
(Don't worry if someone else already shared the song you want to share and come back as often as you like!)
Maybe we can grow our personal list and have fun listening to music this fall and make more memories.

Monster Mash Bobby Picket is a classic for me. I remember it being commonly played in the 90s at some local stores in October and my best friend had a copy of the song she would often play it when I stayed the night at her house (along with other odd songs and loved movie soundtracks)
Leaves in the Wind by Isaac Shepard is a song I often find myself randomly coming back to a couple of times each autumn. I listened to a lot of Isaac Shepard and similar music in my late teens on a laptop I had while doing other stuff.
Goodbye Yellow Brick Road by Elton John is probably a little bit of an odd choice. I do a lot more reflection in Autumn and always had. Probably because there are less distractions this time of year. It is like the wind down of a time period when I don't pay attention as much (summer time) and leading into a time period where I have a ton of time on my hands (winter). As a result I rethink back on a lot of things in autumn. Though some are good and bad, I'm just happy about how I turned out. As a kid, autumn was also a time of change and progression, the school year starts in fall, and I get to see my friends practically daily again after a 3 month summer break. I had a friend for a bit who was a big Elton John fan, and over time of listening to his different songs, there were a few that really stuck with me and I love. Goodbye Yellow Brick Road was one of them. When I was even younger, like elementary age and younger, autumn seemed like one of the more eventful times outside of December. Mom would take me to a mom and pop farm that produced apple cider and we would pick up a pumpkin. The Wizard of Oz aired on standard tv in autumn and it was one of my favorite movies as a tiny kid and to me is an "autumn movie".
Crypteque with Shopkeeper from Crypt of the Necrodancer is a classic to me. It is also one of my favorite games to play in fall. It also reminds me of the monster mash and various memories with that song.
And lastly for right now until I revisit in future after more participates come, The Smell of Mushroom from Stardew Valley is an autumn song that I love and it gets stuck in my head. Has the perfect sounds of autumn and nostalgic sounding.