Trading [BUYING] Apple or Carmen Need today!!!


Junior Member
Sep 15, 2013
0% (0) +
I have 9 slots in my town and Butch is moving soon, so I don't want to get stuck with some random villager! I'm supposed to be getting two of my dreamies from my friends, but it doesn't look like they're moving any time soon. I'll ask my friends today, just in case.

So, I'm looking for Apple or Carmen, for 1-3 million bells + some furniture if you want. I could also do some art for you if you'd want that instead!

I won't be able to come and pick them up until later in the day since I'm stuck at school with no internet on my 3ds.

Thank you to anyone in advance! ;)
I have Carmen but I was hoping to trade her for another villager, and she's not moving out today anyways c:
Dang. Well, she can go for a lot, so you should keep that in mind!
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Is Butch moving today ?
You should check your campsite frequently, maybe someone good will be in there ! * 3 *
No, but he's going to in a couple days!

I have, but nobody good has turned up. :c
Don't worry if you don't find anyone, you can do one of the following:
- turn back the time that Butch doesn't leave [yet] or stay at the day after he moves
- reset for campers (with a new character)
- reset for random move-ins (with a new character) (pretty painful)

Also you should totally take Carmen, she is by far the cutest peppy in the game. c:
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