Buying Buying DIYs

hi! i can sell you the snowflake pochette and ski-slope flooring diys for 4 tbt each. :)
I have the aquarius urn, holiday candle, festive tree, illuminated snowflakes, ornament mobile, festive rug, and falling snow. I'll do all of them for 15TBT?
Hey IxiaMia! I have the following, looking for 5 TBT per DIY:

Sagittarius Arrow
Capricorn Ornament
Leo Sculpture
Mush Partition
Tree's Bounty Lamp
Snowperson Head

Let me know if you're interested. I'll be around for about 4 hours at the moment to trade. :)
Hey IxiaMia! I have the following, looking for 5 TBT per DIY:

Sagittarius Arrow
Capricorn Ornament
Leo Sculpture
Mush Partition
Tree's Bounty Lamp
Snowperson Head

Let me know if you're interested. I'll be around for about 4 hours at the moment to trade. :)
Yes please. DM me when you are around. (don't need Sagittarius Arrow anymore)
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