Blathers finally requested the Café, I just finished paying for it so it should be open tomorrow along with the Super T & T mart.
Other than that my day hasn't been very productive, I met mac who is currently staying at my campsite, he asked to live in my town then when I said yes he said he likes the town he's living in at the moment so don't know why he asked in the first place.
I also did my villagers a few favours and got my house score of 15,000 from the HHA, my pet Napoleonfish got bonus points.
How has everyone else's day been?
Yay! The Roost is an awesome place. You never know who will be dropping in. And after a few days, you can do take-out. I love walking around town with my coffee in hand.
You're doing a lot better on your HHA scores than I am. I guess I'm putting more time into getting rooms enlarged, so they're a bit bare - except for my main room and my upstairs bedroom. Oh, well. I'll get there eventually.
I'm looking forward to the cafe, I have the game guide so when I make coffees I know which villagers like what coffee.
Thanks, I've just added another room and trying to do themes my main room is mermaid things that I brought at the island, upstairs is alpine theme and my extra room is balloon theme. So maybe try do theme to increase your score?
Ooh! I'm starting to work there tomorrow. I should go look those up so I can make the correct coffee for my villagers.
I'm using the balloon and mermaid themes, too; my main room is balloon and my upstairs is mermaid. Those get good marks from Lyle, but my side and back rooms are still in the process of being put together. I don't mind if it takes a while. I'm still figuring out how I want to decorate everything, so it's okay.