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Cam Cool #2: Where Is Eugenie

Mayor Alice~

Lover of pugs
May 25, 2015
Throwback Tickets
Pear (Fruit)
Orange (Fruit)
Okay, so, I can't find Eugenie. She went to Kirbyton and said she'd be back by 18:00 at the latest but it's 23:00 and she's not back! I'm getting worried! But, I mean, I don't really care about her, anyway. Who cares about Eugenie? I-I don't. M-maybe I should ask Eugenie's creepy secretary if she's back yet. Okay, I'll go ask her.

I'm back. I asked Eugenie's creepy secretary and all she said was "She's gone?! MAYOR EUGENIE IS GONE?! Oh no! I'll have to do all her work for her! I don't have time for this! I need to de-stress! De-stress! De-stress!" So, basically, she's not any help. It's 24:00 now and Eugenie's still gone. I'm super worried. I'm sitting in my basement eating ice cream and writing this.

(long silence)

Oops, brain freeze. More ice cream! Mmm. Anyway, like, I was sitting here after I got back from the town hall and there's a nock on the door. I went upstairs to see who it was. It was Portia. "Hey, P Lady!" I said. I always call girl villagers by the first letter of they're name and then Lady. For guy villagers it's the same except Man instead of Lady. So, like, P Lady for Portia and B Man for Bob. Anyway, like, "Hi, Cam." Portia replied. Portia gave me an apple. JUST an apple. She came to my house, disturbed me, and just gave me an APPLE. Agh! I'm tired. Bye.