Camilla vs Hinoka


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Mar 12, 2016
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Honestly, i liked Hinoka much better. The idea of a rough, tomboyish princess who doesn't give a crap about social graces was a breath of fresh air from the norm. There's something about her voice that I find cute and quirky, and overall her personality is just so lovable. She's rough and tough, but you get to see her sensitive side as well, especially when you're first reunited with her. The thought that she abandoned a princess-y life and became a knight because her heart was set on bringing you back really spoke to me. Also, short hair is better haha

On the other hand, Camilla's personality makes me uncomfortable, to say the least. I also don't even want to use her in a public place when playing because she's constantly yelling borderline sexual innuendos and she just shows off so much cleavage it makes me cringe.

Fun fact: Hinoka and Camilla are confirmed to be intentionally designed as complete opposites. Hinoka's all rough and tumble, and Camilla's a caring, nurturing kind of person. And as far as looks go, Camilla's hair is extremely long, and Hinoka's is cut short. Hinoka's kinda flat, and Camilla's... Camilla.
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I like Hinoka better as well! I adore her voice, I think it's cute and I've rarely heard such a voice for a princess. I think it's very original, and her concept is cool as well!
I understand what you mean when you talk about Camilla ; her comments to Corrin are all borderline inappropriate, and she's got a very lascivious way of speaking. I don't hate her at all. In fact, I actually like her. I like her strenght, her confidence, and how she cares deeply for her siblings. She's also an independant woman, and I like that. But I don't like the fact that Nintendo made her to be a sexual object. We get "boobs and butt" shots all the friggin time. Everytime she appears, we get a full picture of her butt, her breasts giggle at her every move, and it just looks really ridiculous.

Also, I have nothing against the way she dresses. (let's remember that literally every female character in this game wears no pants) I honestly like the design of her armor, but I think it's very unfair and wrong from Nintendo to try to make her so sexually appealing to the audience by making her (along with Charlotte) one of the character wearing the least clothes in the army. Isn't this supposed to be a war? As far as I know, you don't go to war in a bikini. I know it contradicts what I just said about not having anything against her clothes, but I take it kinda personally that Nintendo probably gave her those clothes SIMPLY to make her "sexy" and not because it's how she likes the dress. At least that's how I feel it is.

I don't know if I'm actually making any sense with this, but basically what I mean is that both Camilla and Hinoka are good to me, and that Camilla's "flaws" are literally only there because Nintendo needed to have a sexual object in the game...
I prefer Camilla, although I don't like any of them really. Only choosing Camilla because she's prettier.
I feel like the older sisters are just there for no purpose at all, they're honestly pretty boring and redundant which is sad since I was hoping they'd have more of a role in fates. But o well.

- - - Post Merge - - -

Fun fact, camillas personality was supposed to be like noires but they changed it. I think I'd like her a lot more if they kept it
I like Camilla better. She's stronger in battle (I believe) and even though she shows off, I feel like I shouldn't be affected. Women can do what they want. I'm a strong feminist and a supporter of equal rights, and honestly because she shows off so much cleavage, I think she's a strong part of society. I think Camilla doesn't care what people think, and she wears the clothes because she likes them. I turned this into a feminist rant, but even if someone dresses some way you don't like, I think you should respect them. So yeah, I like Camilla better.
I think Camilla has more personalty than Hinoka, she's more interesting rather than "tomboy rough n tough red firey chick"
I really enjoy both characters but I gotta say I prefer Hinoka. Camilla is super sweet but it can be a bit too much for me at times. Hinoka is just awesome. I see a lot of myself in her too be be honest. I've also always loved flaming red hair too. ^_^

the royal siblings for me are as follows:
Leo>Takumi (though I've grown to like Takumi even though I used to really not like him)
Elise=Sakura (I just love these two. Elise is the cheerful light in the dark, and Sakura is just so sweet shy and innocent) Sometimes I give the edge to Elise though depending on my mood.
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I prefer Camilla. Her personality is just more interesting to me, and I feel like her flaws and overbearing nature make sense, given her father's personality, tendencies to take on concubines, and the like. Nohr is a much harsher environment as is, and Garon is all too prone to want to discard soft-hearted, disobedient children.
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Hinokas voice annoys me, it's one of the power puff girls original voice actors. I think Camilla is better and more interesting.