1. I do NOT do GIFs or animations. I make an exception with ACNL Sigs, Userbars, and Link Buttons, though. As long as the animation isn’t too many frames.
2. I can deny your request at my own will.
3. Please follow the request form for your given order.
4. Please be respectful to both, myself and other customers.
5. Please wait 24 hours before requesting again.
6. Please request only 1 signature at a time. Signature and avatar sets are fine, but please dont request two signatures at once.
7. You have to have at least 100 posts to order something. This shows your activity.
8. ALWAYS GIVE CREDIT. Please do not try to steal my or any other artist's work.
9. I will not start your request until I have received payment.
*It will take me anywhere from two hours to one week for me to finish your request, depending on how busy I am.
I will be color coding the names for each type of request! Here are the colors and their meanings:
Avatar, Signature, Avatar/Signature Set, Banner, Phone Wallpaper, Tablet Wallpaper, Laptop Wallpaper.
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