Can I get Rover's photo through HHP?


Crazy cat dad
Nov 11, 2014
I've missed most of the May Day events so I just wanted to know if building Rover a vacation home will work, and Google has been less than helpful trying to find an answer haha
Ah- his poster? I believe so, yes!
Take this with a pinch of salt- but I believe when you scan him in to take photos in Harvey's photo studio, you unlock his poster! And making a home for him will unlock it as well.
Ah- his poster? I believe so, yes!
Take this with a pinch of salt- but I believe when you scan him in to take photos in Harvey's photo studio, you unlock his poster! And making a home for him will unlock it as well.
Oh, I've got his poster, it's his actual photo I was referring to like you get in the mail with the other special characters after you build them a vacation home
I've missed most of the May Day events so I just wanted to know if building Rover a vacation home will work, and Google has been less than helpful trying to find an answer haha
I received other special character photos via HHP, and I imagine you can do the same with Rover given that you have his amiibo. It should be shipped via mail the day after making a house for him.