Can someone come to town?


Senior Member
Mar 14, 2005
Can someone come to my town and bring some fruit? Don't bring Apples because I already have them. My town name is Redwood, My friend code is 3179-9726-8396 and my name is Adrian

I'll even PAY you for the visit. I've got 3,000! ^_^
I got peaches and I haven't tried out wifi yet, I'll come over. My FC is in my sig.
but first it's cool if I come over right?
I only need peaches and I'll show you where the pears are T_T ... Three for one person!!! :mad: :mad: :mad:
pinecone2654 said:
I got peaches and I haven't tried out wifi yet, I'll come over. My FC is in my sig.
but first it's cool if I come over right?
Yeah, sure! What time works for you?

(my brother forgot to sign out of my account, sorry...)
All i got is apples, but i'd like to join in on some fun im playing right now. I haven't tried WiFi yet so I wanna see if my connections good :p My fc's In my profile