Can you design your own home?


Happy Designer
Jul 20, 2015
Is there any confirmation on whether you can design your own home and/or plot?

I recall in the treehouse video that Lottie tells you to "wrap up the day and head on home!" but we don't see any vid of it. I think its also been hinted at in a few trailers.
I don't think there's anything confirming it yet. I watched the trailers as well, in some it seems like it's indicating you have a home as well, but then there's also been nothing on "and decorate your home too", as well as seeing some sites mention you don't have a home and it's just the office you have. I don't think it'll be confirmed at this point until the actual game is out :/
oh alright, thank you! I wasn't sure if anyone had seen any confirmation on it yet. I guess I'll have to wait 7 days and see!
If there was it probably would have been announced by now, so I'm gonna assume no.
I did expect a home or a hub of some sort when the game was first announced, but since you can design the stores in Mini Main Street, I guess that counts as the hub anyway.
You can design the office and such where you work, but not a 'home'.

Which i don't think you need anyway, since you'll be designing 300+ 'homes' haha :)
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I don't think you will be able to design your own home because there is no need to in this game. This game's purpose was basically to design the homes of the villagers - which you couldn't do (at least not like your own home orblile this) in the main series games. Designing your own home is already a core staple for the main games and isn't needed for this spinoff.
I wish we could, but since it's being released in Japan in six days, I find it very unlikely since nothing has been announced yet. It'd be cool if we could though
Never thought about your own home, but I wouldn't doubt there will be something for you to decorate. Although, it could be that since it doesn't run in real-time like the main series, then maybe now. Will find out in a few days though...