Can you post threads wanting to buy a villager?

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Lover of rabbits
Aug 13, 2013
April Birthstone (Diamond)
...for bells? Or do you need to wait for an auction for them to pop up? Only asking because there's no "buying" prefix.

You can try to do a trade for villager thread though. And maybe make the title of the villager you're willing to trade so s***** that people will click on it -- but will find out that you're actually buying the villager you want for some hella big bucks.

jk dont do it
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Cool thanks guys, will just lurk the forum and hope an auction comes up :c, and post in the LF
Who is the villager you are looking for? I may have him/her in my cycling town. c:
I suggest using the "search thread" tool in the Looking For threas,and see if anyone is willing to sell Francine only recently. I did that to sell Fauna.
No, Looking for/Buying threads are not allowed. You can use your signature to advertize the villagers you are willing to buy and/or use the Official Looking for/Trading/Buying thread. While there is a Buying prefix in TBT Marketplace, it is not allowed to use it for buying villagers.

Some people think it sounds crazy not to allow buying threads for villagers but, for the Bell Tree, we just can't have them. We have over 100+ members posting in the VTP a day. If they all were allowed to make their own Looking for/Buying threads they would spam board with poor quality post that push all other types of threads down.
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