Can you ride the giant Teacup Ride?


old movie aficionado
Aug 30, 2018
White Cosmos
Orange (Fruit)
Yellow Cosmos
Red Candy
Pear (Fruit)
Can you and your villagers ride the giant Teacup Ride bought through the nook shop?
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No you can’t. All you can do is turn on and turn off. You couldn’t even ride it in previous games that had it.
My friend has it in his town, I tried to get on but sadly it looks like it’s just for show :(
I had visions of the amenities from PC on steroids. Like the merry-go-round, but you can get on. Or a rideable roller coaster that would be as wide as two amenities in PC. I guess that stuff could come later.
i wish you could actually ride in it - imagine how cute it’d be seeing your villagers ride around in it c’:
I'm so disappointed!!! I figured we wouldn't be able to get in, but I had hoped it would be like ACPC like Ras suggested. Hopefully they will have eventual items your villagers can really interact with like ACPC.
Sadly you cannot. I'm assuming villagers can't either.
i was so disappointed when i tried to ride it and you couldn't LOL but i guess it makes sense. . . but can you imagine villagers riding on it? precious :c
Oh darn it okay thank you! It would be awesome if it's something they add in later.
dang i'm glad i saw this thread before buying! i agree, it would be SO cute if we could see villagers riding it. oh well !!! it's a really cute item :')