Can't see town rating


Happy Pumpkin
Feb 21, 2015
New Horizons Token
May Birthstone (Emerald)
Orange (Fruit)
Pear (Fruit)
Hi all, I have Isabelle and I want to check what my island rating is.
Isabelle only gives me the options of
town tune
town flag
discuss a neighbour

I have got a campsite but not ones been in it yet. Will it work after that?
I don't have that option either and just got the campsite built today so I'm guessing it'll be available tomorrow or after the first camper moves in.
My game won't let me see either. It's like 'no you shall not see'

But I just got the upgrade today and I suspect I'm supposed to do something first before i get that option. Although I'm sure it's not high at all since my island is still trashed. But hey...
I have a camper in my campsite and invited him in, but I still don't hav the option :c
I could be wrong, but I think you need 7 or 8 villagers.
It happens the day after you have a character move in from the campsite I believe.