Cast Master Bugged?


Becca from Gahpakho
Aug 8, 2012
Winter Mittens
So before you tell me that the counter doesn't reset, I know, I'm aware.

I finally got the golden rod and decided to go for the cast master achievement. I then spent several hours fishing. I went through 2 golden rods without missing any fish, and my counter did not budge. I'm now on my third rod and still have not missed any fish. The only thing I can think other than that it's bugged is that I missed without noticing. I have been paying even more attention with this last rod, so we'll see.

The frustrating part is that if this IS a bug, it'll just be waved off as "you missed and didn't notice." I don't even know if I should continue trying or give up.

EDIT; Broke my 3rd rod without missing. I officially give up.
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Are you absolutely certain you didn't miss a fish? If you cast, think your angle was wrong (or the fish swam stupidly right as you cast, etc...), and reel it in as the fish 'locks on' to the bobber anyway, that counts as a miss and will reset your counter as well. I don't know the durability of the golden rod off the top of my head.
i'm not sure if you were already aware of this but scaring off fish by running past them i believe brings the count back to 0, so that may be your issue
I feel like this will be the one achievement I will never get! I haven't been able to get past 69/100. Good to know that scaring off fish resets the counter!
The counter only resets if a fish is scared off while your bobber is in the water. Scaring a fish off by running, etc. does not break the streak. I got to 100 while running fish off, and running fish off doesn't affect your streak for CJ either. It's possible there is a bug considering all of the other bugs that have been and are in the game. Unfortunately if you ran your count up very high before breaking your streak, it's hard to tell how far you are along until you get the achievement.