Catchphrases and Greetings


Game Dev
Oct 10, 2011
Spring Sakura
Red Rose
White Rose
Yellow Rose
Famous Mushroom
The Bell Tree Fair 2016 Patch
Tasty Cake
White Pansy
Yellow Pansy
August Birthstone (Peridot)
What are some creative Catchphrases or Greetings you've come up with or have seen?

I like using "Yo Idiot" or something of the sort as a greeting, the rest of the text always fits perfectly.

I'm currently using "Slexmas" & "Flibinibs" as my catchphrases.

What are yours? (Sorry if there is already a thread like this that I've overlooked)
Catchphrases and Greetings are pretty difficult for me to come up with. I don't like nonsense phrases and I certainly don't like making my villagers say rude or insulting things so I have to think long and hard about stuff before I actually decide what to have them say.

Though I admit, for the longest time my head canon was that tank tries to hit on all the girls, so I would give him catchphrases akin to 'babycakes' and other things like that. I believe his greeting was also "Yo wat up".

It's been too long since I played I can barely remember stuff like this, lol.
Aw, I'm awful at it, I usually slightly change their original one. Like someone said 'Hoofy', so I made it 'Hoofer'. Or related to their animal, like Hugh got 'bacon' and 'rasher'. When someone asked for a pick up line, I gave them "Heeey you" or "How you doin" (of course!)

But yeah, I'm baad at it. Oh I gave Chevre as a goat, the greeting of "me-e-e-h!" like a bleating goat haha. Inspired, huh?!
@OfficerBerri i think i also did that with one of my villagers in WW!

@tigereyes: Me-e-e-h! I should totally use that sometime, it made me laugh.

I once gave Lucky the catchphrases "Licking". That turned out soo awkward and funny.
Now that I think about it, I remember randomly forcing Nibbles to scream "Girugamesh" or something like that at the end of her sentences for some reason. xD
^ Haha that would have been funny to see!

Oh and I'm glad one of my catchphrase attempts has reached the masses :blush:
I love giving peppy villagers catchphrases such as "like, yeah." So they'll say things like "That's SO totally awesome, like, yeah!"
Once I gave Buck the catchphrase "darlin'" which was fun, too. "Hey there, darlin'!"
I love giving peppy villagers catchphrases such as "like, yeah." So they'll say things like "That's SO totally awesome, like, yeah!"
Once I gave Buck the catchphrase "darlin'" which was fun, too. "Hey there, darlin'!"

Those fit well. I try to make some catchphrases like that for certain types as well!

I give them catchphrases and greetings that are just short of profanity ;)

Ahaha i love seeing such catchphrases/greetings, it makes the game that much better.
I give them catchphrases and greetings that are just short of profanity ;)

I'm at that stage now, I've used up the safe ones and I need something to brighten up my encounters with those innocent minded animals. Innocent, my a$$. Antonio once asked me if I remembered the all night workout session we once had. Took a screenshot coz I couldn't believe that was programmed in. It was amazing! Oh and the Pocket Packer thing they love to say...
Tsk tsk. I could never force my villagers to swear.

Mainly because I don't see the humor in it. :p I left that phase a little while into middle school.
Warning: Vulgar language

(Olleh is just hello backwards)
I'm going to watch what they tend to say and see if I can get an innuendo in, I saw a few on tumblr and if you didn't know the game would wonder what they had been programmed to say!
Well I'll admit that I do use occasional swearing for my catchphrases, but I try to stick to something cute.

In my City Folk town, there was a musical theme, so all the villagers catchphrases were music related. I think Apollo was the one that I had say cresCENDO.
I always have them say "captain" Like, "Do you like this shirt, captain?" XD
I feel too embarrassed to share some of the phrases I've given my villagers (y'all are so nice) but I do also like to give them short movie-related quotes. Things like "Beetlejuice!" "Ludicrous speed!" or "Kill 'em all" (that last one is from Xena) look really funny at the beginning of a sentence about regular AC topics.
I feel too embarrassed to share some of the phrases I've given my villagers (y'all are so nice) but I do also like to give them short movie-related quotes. Things like "Beetlejuice!" "Ludicrous speed!" or "Kill 'em all" (that last one is from Xena) look really funny at the beginning of a sentence about regular AC topics.

Well, I had a jock villager say "Turbotastic"
I usually make it so that it revolves around a theme.Say if my town is named a certain country,I'll use greetings from that country
I usually make it so that it revolves around a theme.Say if my town is named a certain country,I'll use greetings from that country
Wow.. That's a really neat idea.
Way more creative than the usual immature things I would slip in there. pffft..