

Feb 9, 2016
Tricolored Puppy Plush
Celeste Chick Plush
Pink Star Fragment
Mom's Plush
Sheep Plush
I recently decided to try Cattails, an indie game that was Kickstarter funded a couple of years ago. It's a cat SIM with a lot of similarities to Stardew Valley (and Animal Crossing). It's super cute and I am really enjoying it. Curious if other people on the forums have played it and what they think!
I've seen this, and it's been hanging out on my peripheral. I haven't picked it up yet, but may at some point. I'd be interested to hear what you think after playing a bit more. :)
I got this game on sale a while back but couldn't get into it cause I couldn't catch food to save my life (literally as I died of hunger lol).

I really want to give it another go. Does anyone have any suggestions on the best way to stay alive/catch food? I'd greatly appreciate it. :)
It's hard to catch food in the beginning but you can change the difficulty settings if you really can't grab anything. Also you can survive on berries and other foraged food until you upgrade your hunting skills. So far I am really enjoying the game! It's a lot of fun.
It's hard to catch food in the beginning but you can change the difficulty settings if you really can't grab anything. Also you can survive on berries and other foraged food until you upgrade your hunting skills. So far I am really enjoying the game! It's a lot of fun.

Thanks I’ll keep that in mind! I didn’t know you could change difficulty settings, that’s good to know. I have no idea what difficulty I was playing on originally so that very well could have been the problem as well.
This game has been on my wishlist for ages but I'm not really sure there's enough in there to hold my interest? I'm kind of hesitant about buying it but it looks so good!
I just got an email that the game is on sale for $1.99. If anyone was on the fence, $2 vs $15 might be enough to tip you over.
I got it a while ago, but never really got into it. I've played 6 hours total and I haven't touched it since April. I just didn't like it that much, not sure why because I normally love that type of game. I've put hundreds of hours into Stardew Valley, and I recently started playing Littlewood which I also love.
You play as a cat.
That’s all I really needed to love this game. xD
Only reason I haven’t played more of it like I initially expected to is because my focus jumps between many games. But the cat factor is always a boon.