Looking For Chai, Plucky, Lyman & Astrid


The Ravenlord
Oct 1, 2015
Tasty Cake
100% (22) +

I am just getting back into ACNL after a long time and looking to build a new town with some fresh villagers and a few returners.

I'm quite unfamiliar with the value of Chai and Plucky, but I know Lyman and Astrid are usually free of charge. That being said, I am willing to offer plenty of IGB or a quantity you find reasonable worth of TBT.

Thanks! :)
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as chai is a sanrio villager, she can only be obtained through having her card. sanrio villagers cant move in from someone elses town as far as i know. :^(
as chai is a sanrio villager, she can only be obtained through having her card. sanrio villagers cant move in from someone elses town as far as i know. :^(

So that's why her card is so bloody expensive! Thanks for telling me... Guess i'll have to buy
I have Astrid in my town now! I can have her in boxes for you as soon as I get a response from some interested parties regarding my currently moving out villager, Mitzi.

I’m pretty sure she’s still original, and yes, she would be free of charge.
I have Astrid in my town now! I can have her in boxes for you as soon as I get a response from some interested parties regarding my currently moving out villager, Mitzi.

I’m pretty sure she’s still original, and yes, she would be free of charge.

Alright awesome! My current town i'm constructing is full atm so i'll go ahead and try to get an unwanted out, but worst case scenario you can give it to my 2nd 3DS and I can sort it out from there!
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Update: Astrid has been promised and Chai is not a possibility. Still searching for Plucky and Lyman!

Especially Plucky! Anyone who has her amiibo card!
Update: I have now obtained Plucky!

Still looking for Astrid and Lyman. Anyone with Astrid or Lyman's Amiibo Cards would be greatly appreciated! :)