Changing hemisphere


Senior Member
Dec 6, 2020
Hi y’all. Anyone know how or if you can change your hemisphere in the game. I made a mistake and pick the wrong one. I’m not really feeling the game because of that. Please let me know
It's not possible to change the hemisphere after you started your island. You would have to delete your save data and start over in order to have an island in the other hemisphere.
It's not possible to change the hemisphere after you started your island. You would have to delete your save data and start over in order to have an island in the other hemisphere.
That is why everyone keep saying. I think the developers or whoever should at least give us a chance to change it back at least once because there’s a forum a lot of people that did the same thing and yet they haven’t done anything about it 🥺🥺
That is why everyone keep saying. I think the developers or whoever should at least give us a chance to change it back at least once because there’s a forum a lot of people that did the same thing and yet they haven’t done anything about it 🥺🥺

Trying to apply logic to an Animal Crossing game but I don't think Tom Nook even has the power to move an entire island. If the opposite hemisphere is jarring, you can always just change your switch clock to be 6 months ahead. If it's a recent save, you can just restart and maybe get a better island map if you don't like your current one that much.
Trying to apply logic to an Animal Crossing game but I don't think Tom Nook even has the power to move an entire island. If the opposite hemisphere is jarring, you can always just change your switch clock to be 6 months ahead. If it's a recent save, you can just restart and maybe get a better island map if you don't like your current one that much.
Thanks for the feedback. But I think I’m just gonna restart it. I am gonna put everything I own in my sister island and pick them up when I’m done restart it 🤷🏾‍♀️
If you need any help getting dreamies in your new town, let me know. I got plenty of Amiibos
Hey lol, I’m sorry. I though you wanted to come visit my island before I delete it. Anyway I don’t think I want to anymore, my island is at 5 stars and I have a lot of stuff both on the island and at my house. If you still have dreamies to give away I know one I can let go to make space. Just let me know thank you 😊
Yeah, just let me know who you're looking for. As long as they aren't any of the new characters like Raymond, I should be able to get them ready for adoption.
Okay. Cool. Judy and stiches
Yeah, just let me know who you're looking for. As long as they aren't any of the new characters like Raymond, I should be able to get them ready for adoption.
okay cool, are reneigh, Judy and stitches are new
Okay, cool. I’ll try to get rid of one and let you know. Do you think we can do that tomorrow
If it makes you feel any better, I also chose the wrong hemisphere and didn’t realize it till I was too late. My friend is gonna help me terraform my island to my liking. Maybe Nintendo will be generous someday and let us change it. Who knows!