Changing signature permissions


I eat pinecones
Jun 9, 2016
New Leaf Token
The Bell Tree Fair 2017 Patch
Hot Feather
Tasty Cake
White Cosmos
Yellow Candy
Hello! I am trying to change my signature permissions, Allow HTML and Allow Animated Signatures to yes but I don't know how to! Can someone help?
We don't allow HTML in signatures and animation should already be enabled by default, so as long as you upload a gif it should work.
Yeah but when I upload an animated signature it always has an "invalid file" of "File is too big" error messages. And the "Allow Animated Signatures" is off for some reason. (BTW love your Collectables. They really catch the eye).
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Yeah but when I upload an animated signature it always has an "invalid file" of "File is too big" error messages. (BTW love your Collectables. They really catch the eye).
If you want to use a gif don't use the forum uploader. Instead, upload the image to an external site (such as imgur) and use the URL and
I'm doing that but the "Invalid file" message still comes up. And the signature is from Imgur!
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You're still trying to upload your signature, it's spitting errors because you're including the BB Code with it.

Just paste the
I just used mod hax to edit it in. Not sure why it's not working for you, it works fine for me. All you need to do is copy paste the URL in your sig and it should be fine

I got it working! I am SO DUMB! Sorry to waste all of your guys time! I'm SO SORRY! Being annoying is my biggest trait. Well thanks for all the tips guys! :) Sorry again