Character Customisation


City Folk Fossil
Dec 26, 2020
I personally think that New Horizons has the most in depth character customisation options out of any of the mainline games (since... you couldn’t even change skin colour in them...) however, when I compare this customisation to the options in HHD and PC I can think of quite a few things that I would like back. Although in New Horizons there are more facial feature options and different hair styles, I don’t understand why they had to get rid of certain options from the older games. In New Leaf I used to use a specific hair colour which matched my own very well (thin tea in 1st picture inserted) but I was shocked to see that it was absent in NH. In my opinion the hair colours, particularly the starter ones in the new game don’t flow very well with each other. An example is how the options go from light blonde to yellowish blonde to a medium dark red colour which misses out a darker blonde/ light brown colour.


I agree! I really used to like the pixie cut with white hair.
I noticed in new leaf white was white, but in new horizon white is grayish ( which I think makes it look not as nice).
It looks like there is a light grey and a darker grey now on the color pallet. Grey looks old.
Though I am happy with all the different variations, I would love if they added the colors from new leaf.
The white hair in New Horizons is a little greyish compared to the other games.
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I agree! I really used to like the pixie cut with white hair.
I noticed in new leaf white was white, but in new horizon white is grayish ( which I think makes it look not as nice).
It looks like there is a light grey and a darker grey now on the color pallet. Grey looks old.
Though I am happy with all the different variations, I would love if they added the colors from new leaf.

Do you have a picture of the pixie cut? I Google that and can't find it
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Thin Tea (I didn't realize that was it's name lol) was my jam too, hair colour wise. I'm bummed it didn't make the cut for hair colours this time around and I'm hoping it comes in an update. I agree that the colour gradient seems to sort of... jump around with the shades. "Here's two of each and then a couple bonus colours!" was a bit of an odd approach but hopefully that'll be remedied in the future.

Aside from that though, I'm absolutely in love with how customization is done in this game and that it's actually making an effort to be more inclusive with skin tones & hair styles. I'm also thrilled that my face isn't permanently decided by some random questions a cat asks me on a train and that my hair colour can be more precisely picked but it would definitely benefit from more hairstyles and colours. I'm glad we've gotten updates with more hairstyles, so I'm hopeful we'll get more in the future and maybe more hair colours too!
I always had the quiff as hairstyle on the older versions of Animal Crossing, kinda bummed it is abent in NH. Most of the time, I wear hats or beanies now lol
I miss Navy Blue and the proper White.

My character is currently very White, and she is stuck with Gray hair...
I def miss the hair options from New Leaf with the color scale. I really wish they'd bring back the options. :/ Especially for the light brown and white options.
My favorite hairstyle I've always used is not in NH, and I'm sorry, but the male hair in NH looks like hideous blobs of plastic.

I found a chick style that works though. ;)
I agree! The lack of pastel colours in New Horizons is disappointing D: I love all the lighter colours in New Leaf and they were always my go-to colours. Most of them are too vibrant now.
Yes I agree. My character has blond hair and I noticed when diving under the water the hair actually looks more yellow blond and I like that color better. I do wish there were more styles as well.
I'd really like to have a pure white hair color back in the game. The pale yellow in NH also leans way too green with it's undertone.

And while I really love the hair options we've got in NH, I'd also love to see some of the wig hairstyles from NL return as either hairstyles we can do or... as wigs! Pocket Camp also has a lot of really lovely looking wigs/hairstyles that would be so nice to see in NH but I have a feeling we'll never see those outside of the game... *sigh*
I'm thankful that we're able to customize skin color, and I love the face paint. But I agree, I miss some of the old hairstyles. Honestly, I'd love it if some of the classic ones like the three pigtails returned. I am glad that longer hair is an option, and that there were new hair options added with the latest update to include more hair textures :) And the skin color selection was long overdue imo.
I miss new leaf's colors too. I don't know why, the blond options from NH are bugging me off. I want a real pale yellow, a real white. Not some weird greyish stuff.
Since they add new options from time to time, I hope that we'll get more hair colors someday.
I wish they had more variations with blonde hair, and that they actually had a white hair option -- I don't like the way the grey looks. But I actually miss Harriet a lot. :/ I just really don't like how easy they make things like changing your entire appearance. I wish you had to work for it a little, like spend some bells going to some cute little kitschy salon. I really enjoyed that feature of the past games. I understand why it's nice to have it so easy now, but it just feels a little cheaper now that you can just change it 500 different times in 500 seconds if that makes sense.
I agree. I have light brown hair and I was sad to see that light brown is not an option. Not everyone is lucky to be real blond, red, deep brunette, or black haired. Some of us have boring hair.
I like being able to pick the exact hair colour and hair style you have no idea the stress I had making sure I picked the correct answers every time I got my hair done :( Also wasn't it $400 when you wanted to get your hair done from shampoodle ??
I like being able to pick the exact hair colour and hair style you have no idea the stress I had making sure I picked the correct answers every time I got my hair done :( Also wasn't it $400 when you wanted to get your hair done from shampoodle ??
Yeah I definitely like how the customisation has become more open for the player but I also miss harriet a bit :(. I always got excited when I would go to her to get my characters hair done because in my opinion it felt more like a natural daily thing than opening a villager editing screen.
Yeah I definitely like how the customisation has become more open for the player but I also miss harriet a bit :(. I always got excited when I would go to her to get my characters hair done because in my opinion it felt more like a natural daily thing than opening a villager editing screen.
It was a bit cute going to the hair saloon and sitting in the chair :)