examples of what i mean can be found here https://www.google.com/search?q=vis...ved=0ahUKEwjJ4ZCSi-_KAhUY5WMKHZYmBQYQ_AUIBigB they're pretty much just characters with different outfits and facial expressions. im not in a rush to get these sprites either because i won't be working on the actual programming until maybe late 2016 or early 2017. i just want a well thought out plot, options/consequences and characters, giving you more than enough time to help me out with these. im looking for a semi advanced art style or even better, paying 1k-2k tbt per sprite. i also have dA points, but not that many (only about 700-ish points). as of now, i have roughly around four to seven characters that im considering putting into the visual novel
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