Cherry Blossom DIY problem


Mar 31, 2020
White Pansy
Hello Everybody,
I was just wondering if anyone else has had this problem:

I have basically been balloon-farming since 3 days now and all I ever got were Bunny Day DIYs (i have like 20 doubles), a ton of sky eggs and some trinkets.

Aside from the first item that I think everyone got from Isabelle, I have not gotten a single recepie, no matter how much I farm. Are they THAT rare? Or could it be a glitch?

Just wondering if anyone else has had that problem. Thank you for listening.

Which balloons have you been popping? The cherry blossom items only come from the solid color balloons and not the stripey egg balloons. I only have four cherry blossom recipes now. I think they are just rarer or I'm just having bad luck. Then again, I'm not farming balloons yet and I got the wonderful cherry blossom forest wallpaper so I'm pretty happy so far.
i got the wand and thats about it :( i feel your struggle! i just want to craft them all
they only drop from solid color balloons, all the colors have a chance to drop a recipe with green being the highest chance and yellow being the lowest.

just fish/bug catch/petal hunt close by the beach and the solid balloons come on every 5 min or so.
I'm in northern hemisphere and during the day the balloons always fly in from east to the west side and at night will be west to the east side.
I don't think the cherry blossom recipes are rare right now. Every time I have gotten a DIY from a regular balloon, it has been a cherry blossom recipe. But the problem is you have to hunt the regular balloons.

Below is the types of items that have the highest probability thing for each color.

Yellow: Bells
Blue: Crafting Materials (iron nuggets, clay, etc)
Green: Clothes
Red: DIY

You can get other things from each color too. For example, furniture can drop from I think all of those except maybe yellow. All balloons can drop DIYs for sure, but the red ones just have the highest probability of it.
I parked myself at my western beach in the day and eastern beach in the evening, kept audio on, read a book, popped a solid colour balloon every five minutes and completed the set yesterday.

Never again.
Thank you to everybody!
Which balloons have you been popping? The cherry blossom items only come from the solid color balloons and not the stripey egg balloons. I only have four cherry blossom recipes now. I think they are just rarer or I'm just having bad luck. Then again, I'm not farming balloons yet and I got the wonderful cherry blossom forest wallpaper so I'm pretty happy so far.
they only drop from solid color balloons, all the colors have a chance to drop a recipe with green being the highest chance and yellow being the lowest.

just fish/bug catch/petal hunt close by the beach and the solid balloons come on every 5 min or so.
I'm in northern hemisphere and during the day the balloons always fly in from east to the west side and at night will be west to the east side.
I don't think the cherry blossom recipes are rare right now. Every time I have gotten a DIY from a regular balloon, it has been a cherry blossom recipe. But the problem is you have to hunt the regular balloons.

Below is the types of items that have the highest probability thing for each color.

Yellow: Bells
Blue: Crafting Materials (iron nuggets, clay, etc)
Green: Clothes
Red: DIY

You can get other things from each color too. For example, furniture can drop from I think all of those except maybe yellow. All balloons can drop DIYs for sure, but the red ones just have the highest probability of it.
I parked myself at my western beach in the day and eastern beach in the evening, kept audio on, read a book, popped a solid colour balloon every five minutes and completed the set yesterday.

Never again.

I have been popping all balloons, easter and regular ones, but knowing that they only drop from regular ones I can stop poping easter ones, which is a releave.

I think I will do the same as Garrett did and just farm like that while reading a book.

Also thanks to everybody giving me tips on balloon farming, spawning rates and what colours carry what. It's a huge help! :D
Update I:
I've been farming for 5 hours, while doing homework next to it. I think I'll hear that blowing noise in my nightmares.
But I have gotten 5/14 recepies. Will repeat this tomorrow most likely.
I did farming too, about an hour, (it's much more convenient without all the Easter balloons spawning every minute 😁) and I found one recipe in a yellow balloon. My second recipe since last Wednesday 🤪
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I'm having the same problem. Played for 2 hours and got only 5 solid balloons, and none of them were sakura recipes.
I have all the bunny day recipes now, on the bright side...
I'm trying my luck today in popping balloons for sakura recipes. So far I've only gotten the branches and wand DIY.

I didn't even get the recipe from Isabelle, and I don't really understand why I haven't yet lol
I'm in northern hemisphere and during the day the balloons always fly in from east to the west side and at night will be west to the east side.
Not sure if there's anything in particular that determines which direction they'll fly in from, but I also play in the northern hemisphere and they come in the opposite direction for me during those times of the day.

I'm trying my luck today in popping balloons for sakura recipes. So far I've only gotten the branches and wand DIY.

I didn't even get the recipe from Isabelle, and I don't really understand why I haven't yet lol
Has Isabelle finished handing out all of her announcements? (ie. Villagers moving in, someone visiting, an event happening, etc.) If not, then you probably won't receive it until then. I got the recipe from Isabelle as soon as she ran out of things to announce.
Not sure if there's anything in particular that determines which direction they'll fly in from, but I also play in the northern hemisphere and they come in the opposite direction for me during those times of the day.

Has Isabelle finished handing out all of her announcements? (ie. Villagers moving in, someone visiting, an event happening, etc.) If not, then you probably won't receive it until then. I got the recipe from Isabelle as soon as she ran out of things to announce.

Yes, she has finished with her announcement with quite some time now. I read about how that can interfere with it, but I honestly don't know why I still haven't received it yet 😅 She just says random things, but they aren't major events like the ones you mentioned!
I restarted my island on the 4th, and I've found 9 of the 14 recipes since then. Hang in there and pop everything!
I feel your pain. I’ve been farming balloons for 5 days straight now and only gotten one miserly Sakura DIY. I get that they’re rare, but I’ve got more chance of winning the lottery at this point :mad:
they only drop from solid color balloons, all the colors have a chance to drop a recipe with green being the highest chance and yellow being the lowest.

just fish/bug catch/petal hunt close by the beach and the solid balloons come on every 5 min or so.
I'm in northern hemisphere and during the day the balloons always fly in from east to the west side and at night will be west to the east side.

Weird, I am in the Northern Hemisphere as well but during the morning, Balloons travel from the west to east, and reverse in the evening.
I have a whole bunch of cherry blossom recipes I don’t need if you want them?