Trading Cherry, Savannah, Henry, Bunnie, Roald and Drift for Dreamies in my sig.


Sometimes, he do miss
Jul 15, 2013
New Horizons Token
Holiday Candy Cane 2017
Jingle Christmas Doll
Poptart Easter Egg
Holiday Candy Cane 2016
Yellow Pansy
Yellow Cosmos
Red Cosmos
Red Cosmos
User Title Color Change
October Birthstone (Opal)
April Birthstone (Diamond)
100% (85) +
Punchy I'm getting for free from a friend when she TT's him in boxes.

Otherwise I'm still seeking for Margie, Cesar, Bud and Alfonso.
I can also consider selling ones like Bunnie and Savannah who are semi-popular are up for sale for Bells.

Just lemme know what you'd be willing to do!

Edit: Got Jacques from a giveaway!
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Bumping again!

4 More Dreamies to hunt for! (Well...5 if you count Punchy)
She did, I'm sure I sent you that in a Visitor message ahaha Dx
(Knowing me I probably posted it on my page again)

But yeah, Karma from you getting Flip from my town.
She did, I'm sure I sent you that in a Visitor message ahaha Dx
(Knowing me I probably posted it on my page again)

But yeah, Karma from you getting Flip from my town.

lol I hate when that happens when I have 9 villagers, then it forces me to have 10 and I cant ask any campers to stay!
Sylvia's been TT'd out (Nobody really wants her so eh)

If anyone would be willing to swap my Dream choices for my Residents, lemme know D:
(I mean if you could do a give away on any of my listed ones I'll love you forever)