Chikorita Sig


Retired Staff
Nov 4, 2008
Lump of Coal
Dark Candy
Blue Mote of Flame
Purple Feather
Pink Feather
Blue Feather
November Birthstone (Topaz)
Ancient Lantern
Dusty Scroll
In the anticipation of the release of Pokemon Soul Silver, I decided to make a Chikorita Sig, thoughts?

If I had to criticise myself, I would say that I feel it's slightly too monotone, especially on the left side, but whatever xD

I think it is pretty good, the monotone don't really show too much due to the fact that it's eyes are purple... ;D I really need to know how to do these effects XP
Nixie said:
I think it is pretty good, the monotone don't really show too much due to the fact that it's eyes are purple... ;D I really need to know how to do these effects XP
Ty :)

The base of most effects come from either brushes, C4Ds, fractal renders or smudging. In this particular signature the majority of the effects came from smudging the render with a scattered chalk brush and nature/space brushes, though I did use just one fractal render.

When you have the main effects down it's pretty much just a matter of colouring, positioning, lighting, etc.

There are plenty of tutorials around on the web if you want to get started, have a look on the forums or
It's nice to see a sig from you, you don't post many but their usually great!

I like this one but I think a few more colours would help it a bit.
SAMwich said:
It's nice to see a sig from you, you don't post many but their usually great!

I like this one but I think a few more colours would help it a bit.
Ty :)

The reason I don't post sigs very often is because I hate making sigs unless I have inspiration beforehand and my inspiration generally seems to be quite far apart :L

I guess part of the reason is because I don't actually go looking for inspiration, I wait for it to find me, but then I'm just lazy like that XD
Awesome. :O

I feel like making a Totodile sig now, but I can't.

1. Can't find a render
2. Can't get the background to look good.
3. I absolutely suck at signatures.
Me gusto!

I think the green is fine, other colours would take away from the well...greenes XD
That looks fantastic dude! They way you positioned some of those lines in the background almost looks like you made a "leaf" pattern. Very creative!

Well done man. :)
I'm debating whether or not to change this to make actual signature, or to keep my Surskit one ;S
TravisTouchdown said:
Jas0n said:
I'm debating whether or not to change this to make actual signature, or to keep my Surskit one ;S
Randomize :D

and how come you're so good ;-;
But I like the text in my sig to match the colour of my actual sig, and I can't randomize that XD

&I don't think I'm good at all, people like Marcelo are so much better than me :p