Childhood Stories


Deep Sea Prisoner
Nov 8, 2016
I don't know why, but I like hearing other people's childhood stories and telling my own experiences. But no one wants to hear me brag about how I skipped Christmas parties by locking myself in the bathroom in real life, so, yeah.

Once I was in a family party in the summer, in my grandmother's country home. Almost everyone was there, about 30 people. Then someone decides to go visit the near town and we all went in separate cars. We all spent some hours walking in the park, but when everyone went back in the cars and returned to the house we were before... they forgot me and my cousin! I was 8 and she was 7. We were in the bathroom when everyone were going back and they didn't even count the heads or anything. We just sat on the church's stairs and waited there, thinking that they didn't want us anymore and left us there for the bogey man to grab us. When my family arrived the country home, they finally realised we were not there. Five of them got tp their cars and traveled back to the town and finally found us, still sitting on the church's stairs crying.
one time when i was around five, my mom wasn't home and my dad had some of his friends over. they were watching a sports game on tv, and they kept yelling out expletives. eventually, i started running around the house, screaming "the s word" over and over. my dad and his friends were just dying of laughter. my mom still doesn't know about this to this day.
so this is something i obviously cant remember happening, but my parents have told me about it over and over.

so i was born with some mobility issues, which caused me to not be able to walk until i was 3.

so one day i had locked my mom out of our apartment, causing her to literally have to turn into spiderman basically and climb from other peoples balconies to our floor.

when she finally got in, she was obviously really mad

...until i stood up, and walked.

me, being the sneaky lil brat that i am, decided that that was the perfect time to start walking, in order to not get into trouble