Christmas Break Startoff


Senior Member
Mar 29, 2006
Okay, lemme tell ya'll, I did not have the nicest start to what was supposed to be the best break ever. Well, it all started Thrusday of this week. I had come home from school, and a few hours into the evening, I had developed flu-like symptoms (fever, weakness, headache), and I did not feel that well at all. I ended up staying home the next day, which I did indeed feel fine that day, but we took precautions. All I felt was a bit of pressure in the stomach (stomach ache, but I don't know exactly how to describe it because it was very different than the average stomach ache.) Then, I woke up at 5:30 this morning only to wake up with...well, a case of...well...uhhh...let's just say I had some problems when I went to take a crap. I am feeling better as of now (no running to the bathroom more than I should), I am drinking PowerAde to keep my fluids up. But thank goodness I am getting better. But this wasn't the best way to start the break! I hope I don't get like this next Christmas. And that's what happened. And today was one of the grossest days ever!
Are you constipated?That really sucks.Hope you get to feeling better.There is stiil more days to come. :santagyroid:
UltraByte said:
Erm... Thanks for giving me special images in my head. *slowly walks away* are right I got a bad image in my head too.
This tuesday is m' last day before Winter Break. And I'm leaving school early tuesday, dentist appointment.

My break starts 22nd.
And ends on the 9th.
Well I homeschool I missed 2 days because of vacation and I have lot of work
UltraByte said:
Also, you shouldn't drink Powerade for fluids... Orange Juice or Water only. Trust me.
You Pro?


Yeah, same thing happened to me when I put laxatives in some cookies... jokes backfire sometimes, its not always good. : (