I have the following for sale. I prefer IGB!
Santa coat
Santa pants
Santa hat
Santa boots
Santa beard
Festive dress
Festive tree dress (gracie grace)
Jingle wall
Jingle carpet
Jingle chair
Jingle sofa
Jingle clock
Jingle lamp
Jingle tv
Jingle piano
Jingle bed
Jingle table
Jingle dresser
Jingle wardrobe
Big festive tree
Stuffed stocking
Festive tree
Snow globe
Festive candle
Festive flag
Holiday candle
Santa coat
Santa pants
Santa hat
Santa boots
Santa beard
Festive dress
Festive tree dress (gracie grace)
Jingle wall
Jingle carpet
Jingle chair
Jingle sofa
Jingle clock
Jingle lamp
Jingle tv
Jingle piano
Jingle bed
Jingle table
Jingle dresser
Jingle wardrobe
Big festive tree
Stuffed stocking
Festive tree
Snow globe
Festive candle
Festive flag
Holiday candle