Christmas Party - Dec 23/24

Rover AC

~ The Unknown Cat
Aug 13, 2011
Pear (Fruit)
September Birthstone (Sapphire)
Hey guys! I'm hosting a Christmas Party on ACCF! As you know only 3 poeple can come :(
The Christmas Party will be on the 24th or on the 23rd (I can skip the date). If you're interested in coming, post on this thread! Bring your Christmas gear and bring a gift for each other (there will be a part were we will pass round gifts)

No. of spaces now: 0/3
Dude, I'd love to come. 23 would work best for me, lots to do on christmas eve.
23 would work best for me too. count me in
good news!

The 24th is a Saturday!
Do you know what that means?
I don't know either but froggy, including yourself that makes 4 people.

No. of spaces now: 3/3

These people are:




If one of you lucky 3 can't make it because of organising issues please PM either me or KeenanACCF since we are having the party at her town or mine. If this is the case or you have better things to do then we can take you from the 'Party List' and this leaves a space for another person to join instead...