City Folk Anniversary DLC?


Senior Member
Dec 27, 2008
Astral Inner Planet Floating Gold #10
Orange (Fruit)
Pear (Fruit)
I think I found it....

For some reason I got linked to WIlliam hill. o_O

Anyway, the DLC looks too much like the birthday cake, I would have preferred a city model or something similar.
Again Japan getting the good stuff. I will get my hands on it but still. This is borderline racism. LOL. Exaggerating for effect btw!
That can't be it because its Japanese but, it could be like what happened with Gamecube Dresser.
MasterM64 said:
That can't be it because its Japanese but, it could be like what happened with Gamecube Dresser.
Animal Crossing City Folk was released November 20th, 2008 in Japan.
Also, my friend told me that the words on the top left corner roughly translates to "1 year celebration"
Ohh thats pretty. Might make me start playing ac again.
You're saying all the stuff in the picture is the DLC? It looks cute. :3 I kind of want the big ol' cake.
Palad said:
[n,Nov 7 2009, 12:45:15 AM]What is all this DLC stuff and how do you put the codes in?
They are sent to you via wifi from nintendo

Would be cooler if the cake wasn't a lie.
Chibi said:
Paladin said:
What is all this DLC stuff and how do you put the codes in?
They are sent to you via wifi from nintendo

Would be cooler if the cake wasn't a lie.
Well i know they are sent wifi but what is the code for

Oh and nice reference from portal.
Palad said:
[n,Nov 7 2009, 01:15:40 AM]
Chibi said:
Paladin said:
What is all this DLC stuff and how do you put the codes in?
They are sent to you via wifi from nintendo

Would be cooler if the cake wasn't a lie.
Well i know they are sent wifi but what is the code for

Oh and nice reference from portal.
Ah, as for that, I am not entirely sure.

And yes. Portal is win. Sadly, no sequal has been announced. That means I wont be getting caek anytime soon.
Mewkip said:
Nintendo thinks America's spoiled. =P Also, some DLCs are banned in America for various reasons.
I have all of them in possession; from Japan, Europe and North America.