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City Folk or Wild World?


Senior Member
Jun 5, 2018
Sautéed Mushrooms
Special Snowflake
Holiday Candy Cane 2018
I wanted to use my Christmas money that I got to get an AC game that isn't New Leaf. I really want to get AC GCN, but unfortunately it's not in my budget and quite honestly I want to get used to villagers not being watered down before I jump into the saltiness that is GCN. I've never played another AC game before, so should I get City Folk or Wild World?
Wild World! I have a copy and I love it to pieces. My favorite feature is making constellations in the sky! There are so many approaches with it. I played it by myself after I played New Leaf, but I got it because I shared a copy with my old best friend before New Leaf came out. It is a good time and I highly highly recommend.
I admittedly have a hard time picking between the two.
Wild World is easier to pick up since it's handheld, but doesn't hold up visually (for my anyhow).
It has those quirky "holidays" too, but a lot of people don't like them haha.
City Folk is almost an updated port of Wild World, but the controller is such a pain (again, a me issue).
I suppose I lean more City Folk, but it's close; it's just a lot of little things.
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Wild World VS City Folk is kind of like a vanilla game VS that game with all the expansion packs. Though they are both very similar, City Folk is better than Wild World in nearly every way. As someone who played City Folk first, Wild World feels incredibly dated in comparison.

If you do not want to ruin your enjoyment of Wild World, get that game first. If you want the better game, then get City Folk.
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WW and CF are games I grew up with, so bear with me as I list down the pros and cons (some are my opinion, so feel free to grab yourself a teaspoon of salt!)

- Doesn't hold up well graphically, but you could over look it simply as 'a product of its time'. However, I found for me once I went to City Folk I couldn't really go back because of the quality jump and WW ended up annoying me too much, so consider that.
- To get Shampoodle you need to play with others, a feature disabled on the game a number of years ago (unless you have a local DS).

PROS (imo)
- Celeste and her constellations ! it's a bit pointless really, but something about seeing the constellation you created in the sky that satisfies people.
- Weird nifty lil holidays, like the acorn festival (A holiday I actually miss) and such that didn't make a return.
- This might not be a pro to some, but there's no grass deterioration in this game.
- You get Champ, he was removed after CF..

- No villager pictures, if that's a biggie to you.
- The single most hated feature of CF is its grass deterioration, it's hella fast which can quickly become a bother.
- Also no longer online.

- Individual houses for each character.
- Shampoodle is there from the start.
- Again, Champ.
- Things like Windmill and the Fountain are a great step up from WW.

Overall, WW is very much a product of it's post-Game Boy times, and if you're fussed about high quality playing and the ability to explore a bit more, CF might be better for you. City Folk was the start of the transition into you being in more control of the town you reside in, so there are changes to consider. Aside from that, it's mostly personal preference.
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I guess I'll just throw my 2 cents in and say ww! It's nice to be able to curl up and play on something handheld! And I agree that the festival's were always super cute and weird, and I liked the message in a bottle feature!
I ended up buying a copy of Wild World! It just seemed easier for me to play, as my Wii is upstairs and I have to sit in a very uncomfortable position to play.
In my opinion you made the right choice. I may be biased because I played Wild World first, but City Folk is basically the same thing but not as good. Wild World has more interesting villager personalities, has a much homier feel imo, and I prefer Animal Crossing handheld vs big screen. Not to mention there's no grass deterioration :p
Wild World will always be my favourite <3 I do adore CF too, but WW was my first ever AC game so it’ll always have a special place in my heart.
Wild World, tried City Folk but really didn't enjoy it. I remember playing Wild World for straight hours as a kid
I get very nostalgic over Wild World, It was my first AC game. So of course I would say WW. However I feel like City folk is more "advanced" if that makes sense. Not bashing WW, I just think I might be bias! :]
Wild World as it was the first AC game I ever played. I still play it occasionally for the nostalgia. :')
I only have played City Folk not Wild World, but I would choose Wild World cause City Folk if kinda hard to play with Wii controls.