• Come and see the official gallery showcasing all of your creative entries from The Bell Tree Fair 2024. In addition, the winners for the final raffles have been drawn! Click here for the event's final closing announcement.

Giveaway Clearing the Town


Jun 26, 2013
Throwback Tickets
Holiday Candy Cane 2016
Tasty Cake
The Bell Tree Fair 2016 Patch
Red Cosmos
White Cosmos
Yellow Cosmos
Dark Easter Egg
Candy Easter Egg
Waluigi Easter Egg
100% (94) +


Alright. Free stuff. There's a catch. You're on a time limit.

Time limit? Yes. I take the timer and I time you. You only have a limited amount of time to collect things off the ground in the town plaza and near the train station.

5 minutes to get whatever you want. Sounds like a lot, but it really isn't.

1. Must fill out form properly and correctly to participate.
2. You're allowed to go to your locker, but remember, you've only got 5 minutes.
3. You must wait for all the other participants to arrive and for me to begin the timer before starting.
4. Once the time is up, return to the train station immediately.
5. After the time is up, you can only take one present near the station. Failure to follow this rule will result in me disconnecting, shutting the giveaway down, and you getting a bad wifi-rating.
6. Passcode: DEEZ NUTZ
7. You may only take things from the ground near the train station to the cafe. If I find you anywhere else, you will get the same punishment as listed in rule 5.
8. Please be nice to others.

1. Visit via dream address. (5300-2280-0999) A heads up, though: not everything in my town is here. I added more after updating.
2. To make the process go faster, add my friend code before it's your turn.
3. Come with empty pockets and empty mail slots, leaving up to 26 free slots to get as much as possible.

What is there to get?
Fortune cookies, shirts, furniture, customized furniture, wallpaper, flooring, and other cool things!

[B][U]I'd like to enter![/U][/B]
Friend Code (Actually put it):
Friend Code Name:
Mayor Name: 
Town Name:


Group 1: READY!
1. KeAi, Yale of KeAi
2. Dunquixote, Amanda of Skyhold
3. Zexru, Taylor of Zenith

Group 2
1. elchrissy, Chris of Sunshire

Group 3
I think that's all. Ask questions if you must.

Last edited:
I'd like to enter!
Friend Code (Actually put it): 2337-6643-3610
Friend Code Name: Yale
Mayor Name: Yale
Town Name: KeAi
Passcode: DEEZ NUTZ
HTML Code:
I'd like to enter!
Friend Code (Actually put it): 1865-0801-7839
Friend Code Name: Austin
Mayor Name: Babbles
Town Name: Pixidust
Passcode: ( it was blank )
Friend code: 1650-1800-6686
Friend code name: Taylor
Mayor name: Taylor
Town name: Zenith
Passcode: ?? I don't know what to put in here, I read all the rules but I'm on mobile so it might now have shown up as I know it was rule six but it didn't have anything next to it.
HTML Code:
I'd like to enter!
Friend Code (Actually put it): 1865-0801-7839
Friend Code Name: Austin
Mayor Name: Babbles
Town Name: Pixidust
Passcode: ( it was blank )

Keep looking. It's there.

- - - Post Merge - - -

Friend code: 1650-1800-6686
Friend code name: Taylor
Mayor name: Taylor
Town name: Zenith
Passcode: ?? I don't know what to put in here, I read all the rules but I'm on mobile so it might now have shown up as I know it was rule six but it didn't have anything next to it.

I wasn't thinking about mobile. So sorry.
It might help to copy and paste the rule maybe? Sorry.
Hi :]. Thank you for doing this.

I'd like to enter!
Friend Code (Actually put it): 5429-8392-3832
Friend Code Name: Dunquixote
Mayor Name: Amanda
Town Name: Skyhold
Passcode: DEEZ NUTZ
Last edited:
Friend code: 1650-1800-6686
Friend code name: Taylor
Mayor name: Taylor
Town name: Zenith
Passcode: deez nuts (it showed up after i reloaded!)
Hi :]. Thank you for doing this.

I'd like to enter!
Friend Code (Actually put it): 5429-8392-3832
Friend Code Name: Dunquixote
Mayor Name: Amanda
Town Name: Skyhold
Passcode: DEEZ NUTZ

Thank you. You will be in group 1. When it is full, I will notify you.

- - - Post Merge - - -

Friend code: 1650-1800-6686
Friend code name: Taylor
Mayor name: Taylor
Town name: Zenith
Passcode: deez nuts (it showed up after i reloaded!)

Group 1. It is ready, so get ready to come into the town.


Nice! Alright. You are in group 2. I will let you know when it is ready.
I'd like to enter!
Friend Code (Actually put it): 0018-3848-4488
Friend Code Name: Chris
Mayor Name: Chris
Town Name: Sunshire
Passcode: DEEZ NUTZ
I'd like to enter!
Friend Code (Actually put it): 0018-3848-4488
Friend Code Name: Chris
Mayor Name: Chris
Town Name: Sunshire
Passcode: DEEZ NUTZ

Thank you. You are in group 2. I will notify you when it is time to come over!
Nevermind I cant go sorry but its REALY late and I am REALY tired i even spelt realy wrong but i am too tired to fix it
Sorry! :(