[Closed] Apple is crafting a hanging terrarium!!


Bee of Moonstone
Dec 25, 2014
Tasty Cake
New Horizons Token
100% (21) +
I'm so excited, I've been waiting for this DIY forever and just had to share with everyone! My town is roped off except for Apple's house, so just follow the ropes. I will keep town open as long as she is crafting, or until I go to bed.
  • Tips are not necessary but very much appreciated
  • PLEASE leave through the airport when you are done so the game doesn't crash (do not leave with the + button)
  • Message me your in-game name if you would like the Dodo code!
I've decided to do small waves of people since the game is crashing. I am going through everything in order. Thank you!

Update update:
She's still crafting!! I am all caught up now. Private message me with your in-game name for DoDo code. If I missed you, please message again! (Please have make sure you have feedback, as I had a tip thief lol)

Last update:
That hyper little hamster is still DIYing away into the night.. But I need to go to bed! Thanks to everyone who stopped by! Enjoy your hanging terrariums!
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Hi! If Apple is still crafting, I would love to come and stop by ^^ my ign name is Janelle!
hi! would love to come! ign is jubi

hi! gonna withdraw my spot. i need to sleep, but ty for opening your island up!
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Hi everyone! I am doing small waves of people since the game is crashing.

I'm going through both messages and post replies in order, so just hang in there!! Thank you!
She's still crafting!! I am all caught up now. Private message with your in-game name for DoDo code. If I missed you, please message again! (Please have make sure you have feedback, as I had a tip thief lol)
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