Selling (Closed) Bunny day eggs & recipes

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  1. Bells
  2. NMT
  3. Wishlist Items


Fish enthusiast
Apr 4, 2017
White Love Letter
Heart of the Forest
Pink Love Potion
Cyan Heart Glow Wand
100% (73) +
I'm selling my extra bunny day eggs and recipes. I can also craft all bunny day furniture and clothing. (Note I can't get all the new items yet but I can order the bunny day candy and the bunny day topiary)
Hours are 12:00pm-4pm CT most days
Pick up or drop off available
Will accept NMT, In-game bells, or wishlist items (link below)
Recipes I'm selling:
Bunny day merry balloons x2
Bunny day wall x6 (free please take)
Bunny day lamp
Bunny day rug x4
Bunny day fence x3
Bunny day bed x2
Bunny day flooring
Bunny day wardrobe
Bunny day wreath
Bunny day stool
And I have every type of egg in various amounts.
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Can i get one of evrey diy i will pay 1 mil ingame bells
If you mean every recipe I have then I'd be happy sell them to you but keep in mind I don't have all the bunny day recipes available for purchase if you're still interested pm me whether you'd like pick-up or drop-off and when you're available for trade. Thanks!
If you mean every recipe I have then I'd be happy sell them to you but keep in mind I don't have all the bunny day recipes available for purchase if you're still interested pm me whether you'd like pick-up or drop-off and when you're available for trade. Thanks!
Nvm than sorry🥺 i feel bad i will give you some tbt
Are bamboo stool and forest wall on your wishlist the diys or the furnishings?
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