Celeste [Closed]🦉 Celeste is in Keet Largo

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Darcinaya of Keet Largo
May 11, 2020
Tricolored Puppy Plush
Tasty Cake
The Bell Tree Fair 2020 Patch
Yellow Star Fragment
Tasty Cake
White Cosmos
Pear (Fruit)
January Birthstone (Garnet)
Orange (Fruit)
100% (100) +
🦉 Celeste is visiting Keet Largo!
(No sparse shooting stars.)
She is trapped up one north east lavendar farm (directly north of Kiki and Kabuki's houses)

Come on over and get your DIY and please be respectful and leave through the airport 😺

No entry fee, but tips appreciated (especially star pieces or a Tree's Bounty Arch)

Also, Rex is crafting a Clackercart, some come get this DIY from him on your way home.🛠
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Any shooting stars? Need some Libra fragments to go with the new DIY :p

EDIT: Never mind, didn't see the mention of shooting stars XD

I'd like to come, then =D
Unfortunately, star shooting is so sparse. I saw 1 small grouping of shooting stats and none in last half an hour after that :( so I updated the comment to “no shooting stars”
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🦉 Celeste is visiting Keet Largo and so is Leif! 🍃🍂
(No sparse shooting stars.)
She is trapped on the south beach (directly south of Kitty's house, by paper tiger souvenir stall)

Come on over and get your DIY and please be respectful and leave through the airport 😺

No entry fee, but tips appreciated (especially star pieces or a Tree's Bounty Arch)

Also, Rex is crafting a Clackercart, some come get this DIY from him on your way home.🛠
can i come by?