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Giveaway (CLOSED)GIVEAWAY!!! Full Fueki set (Furnitures ONLY)


Senior Member
Jan 8, 2014
Sautéed Mushrooms
100% (41) +
Hello people I am giving away the Fueki set!
Note: The Fueki clothes and accessories will not be included because that's hard to come by but I am giving away the full furniture set. that includes the Fueki walls, floors, drawers, pot, stereo, table, and 4 chairs. I hope that's the full set because I don't now much about this set but I got a hold of the set so I'm giving it away to one lucky person on here.* if you would like a chance to win the Fueki set all you have to do is just post a comment answering my 4 questions for a chance to win. The winner will be chosen at random.

1. What is your towns name and your villagers name?
2. What was something embarrassing that happened to you?
3. How did you handle it?
4. What's the next item you would like me to giveaway? But please no clothing or accessories items as they are hard to come by.

I love reading all ya people's post.* I'm thinking of doing this more often.

Good luck to everybody.

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Town and Mayor Name: Mayor Krystal of Leafdawn
Embarrassing Thing: Farted in class XD
How I Handled it: Said it was someone else
Next Items: Sanrio and Update items! Food items, maybe DLC's. Streetpass, ice creams, etc.
Thanks for doing this! ^_^
Wow. That happens to me when I'm at my bf house. I let a big one out and I blame it on my bf. Nice embarrassed sorry I can relate.
Mayor and Town Name-Mayor Shelby of Tortuga
Embarrassing Thing- Fell out of my chair in class while everyone was quiet
Handled It- Started laughing along with everyone else
Next Item- Sanrio Sets
Town and Mayor Name: Brick and Lizzie
Embarrassing Thing: When I was 10 I thought that stockings were pants (I'm not sure why) so I went over my guy friends house (So we could play ACPG) and all of his family were like wtf because my hello kitty underwear were out for the public to see! I only realized that this was an issue when I got home and got reprimanded from my mom LOL.
How I Handled it: Making sure to wear actual pants in the future but cried in the moment.
Next Items: Ice creams would be amazing! Also, any orderable DLC's or really any DLC..
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Wow that has never happened to me but if it ever does happen to me I would really be super embarrassing because I'm already clumsy at it is but you handled it well.

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Wow. What a embarrassing moment. Well now you know.
1. What is your towns name and your villagers name? Mint of Teapot
2. What was something embarrassing that happened to you? Back when I was a little kid, my mom bought an ice for me during a big town event. As we walked home, I accidentally dropped it and screamed and cried out loud. The other attendants turned over their heads with a confused stare.
3. How did you handle it? Bought another ice cream and ran home.
4. What's the next item you would like me to giveaway? But please no clothing or accessories items as they are hard to come by. Full street-pass balloon and ice cream handheld set.
What a nice embarrassing moment. I love me some vanilla ice cream on a wafer cone topped with Gummy Bears.

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I love reading all your people's embarrassing moments. I will do this again but with different questions. this is nice to read.

1 My town is named Vanilla and my mayor's name is puppy
2. An embarassing moment would have to be when I forgot one of my proffesor's names. He waved hello to me and I couldn't for the life of me figure out what his name was, so I just stood there.
3. I ended up just saying "er....hey, you! :)"
4. I'd love to see you giveaway Sanrio sets or ice creams, bubble wands, and rice throwers.
Mayor and Town Name: Mayor Dee of Vayne
Embarrassing Thing: When I was little I swallowed a baby tooth while eating a cheese burger. Another time I accidentally ate a piece of wax paper between slices of italian cream cake without realizing until it was too late. XD Outwardly chewing and chewing and wondering why that piece was so stubborn.
Handled It: Told my mom both occasions. She was one of those people who had to save every baby tooth so... we had to wait a few days unfortunately. x); At least with the cream cake everyone laughed it off.
Next Item: Regional DLCs
1. What is your towns name and your villagers name?
My town name is Haven and the mayor name is Issac. I have alternatives for more house-designing and holding designs and they're named Isaiah, Isaku, and Iz.

2. What was something embarrassing that happened to you?

I put on nail polish once and wore it to school. It was when I was in Kindergarten or the 1st Grade. Everyone laughed.

3. How did you handle it?
I laughed at them. I really don't care what people think. Haha

4. What's the next item you would like me to giveaway? But please no clothing or accessories items as they are hard to come by.
Your phone number? Haha, totally kidding. You should give away maybe some um, stuff. Like an easy set; ranch set, blue set, green set. Something that new players can enjoy in their starting homes.
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Yes I can relate to forgetting a proffesor's name as I've been there myself.

- - - Post Merge - - -

1. What is your towns name and your villagers name?
My town name is Haven and the mayor name is Issac. I have alternatives for more house-designing and holding designs and they're named Isaiah, Isaku, and Iz.

2. What was something embarrassing that happened to you?

I put on nail polish once and wore it to school. It was when I was in Kindergarten or the 1st Grade. Everyone laughed.

3. How did you handle it?
I laughed at them. I really don't care what people think. Haha

4. What's the next item you would like me to giveaway? But please no clothing or accessories items as they are hard to come by.
Your phone number? Haha, totally kidding. You should give away maybe some um, stuff. Like an easy set; ranch set, blue set, green set. Something that new players can enjoy in their starting homes.

Wow. Your a funny one.
1. I'm Sara from Winarely.
2. I'm very shy person and I stuttering when I'm speak with other strangers... Cx
3. I look at him and I give him A BIG SMILE, like that: :blush:
4. The new set 7/11 ? :)

Thank you for this giveaway and Gook Luck Everyone ~ ( ' v ' )
1. Hana from Cloviea :)
2. I tripped and fell going up the stairs at school. There was a big crowd of kids from one of my classes, it was really embarrassing xD
3. I got up really quickly and laughed it off!
4. Maybe some hybrid flowers? I particularly like the pink and gold ones! :)
Mayor and Town Name: Mayor Dee of Vayne
Embarrassing Thing: When I was little I swallowed a baby tooth while eating a cheese burger. Another time I accidentally ate a piece of wax paper between slices of italian cream cake without realizing until it was too late. XD Outwardly chewing and chewing and wondering why that piece was so stubborn.
Handled It: Told my mom both occasions. She was one of those people who had to save every baby tooth so... we had to wait a few days unfortunately. x); At least with the cream cake everyone laughed it off.
Next Item: Regional DLCs

Wow. I can relate because that happened to me with a Hot Pocket I was eating a Hot Pocket and it was really hard to chew I figured out that I was actually chewing the Hot Pocket paper cover.

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1. I'm Sara from Winarely.
2. I'm very shy person and I stuttering when I'm speak with other strangers... Cx
3. I look at him and I give him A BIG SMILE, like that: :blush:
4. The new set 7/11 ? :)

Thank you for this giveaway and Gook Luck Everyone ~ ( ' v ' )

I can relate to this one as I myself im a shy person too. When I meet somebody new I just don't talk much or say something stupid.

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1. Hana from Cloviea :)
2. I tripped and fell going up the stairs at school. There was a big crowd of kids from one of my classes, it was really embarrassing xD
3. I got up really quickly and laughed it off!
4. Maybe some hybrid flowers? I particularly like the pink and gold ones! :)

Wow I can relate to this one as this happened yesterday when me and my bf was going to the 2nd floor in target and i told him last one up the stairs is a rotten egg. so we raced up the moving stairs and on my way to victory i tripped and almost fell going up the moving stairs. How embarrassing.

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I will be ending this giveaway at 5:00p.m
Time now is 4:11.

To other people that didn't enter please do that now while you still got time.

1. What is your towns name and your villagers name? - Rose and he mayor name is Celina!
2. What was something embarrassing that happened to you?- Thinking I am talking to my friend but they are a random person. DX
3. How did you handle it? Silently cringe for the rest of my life. :p
4. What's the next item you would like me to giveaway? But please no clothing or accessories items as they are hard to come by.
Perfect fruit? I dunno, tbh. XD

Thank you so much!
Congratulations to pinklolipop34. I will private message you. I will be doing more giveawaus like this in the future.