~ Fish Tacos ~
Hi all! As title says, Melba is crafting a tiny library! You will need a vaulting pole to reach her because my island hasn’t been developed at all. She is across the river all the way to the right, and then north a bit
Basically, the only rule is to please respect my island - don’t pick up items, don’t run through flowers, don’t shake trees, etc. Please be a quick in and out.
Tips not required but very appreciated (hybrids )
(If you bring an ironwood workbench diy recipe I’ll love you forever) tysm encrown ily
Reply your ign/island below and I’ll pm you!
Basically, the only rule is to please respect my island - don’t pick up items, don’t run through flowers, don’t shake trees, etc. Please be a quick in and out.
Tips not required but very appreciated (hybrids )
Reply your ign/island below and I’ll pm you!
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