Trading Closed; Pay no mind here. >_<


Got Milk?
Jul 29, 2013
October Birthstone (Opal)
Pear (Fruit)
September Birthstone (Sapphire)
100% (6) +
EDIT: Sorry, I've made a very hard decision to keep Marshal. Please forgive me for wasting your time..
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I'll buy him off you? D: I sold my julian for 50k, do you think you would want that for him? You could probally buy julian with that>~<
I'll buy him off you? D: I sold my julian for 50k, do you think you would want that for him? You could probally buy julian with that>~<

You sold Julian for 50/k/? Man...that's highway robbery on your end. o-o;

Ambo, do you have 9 or less villagers and Julian set to leave?
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OH. xD Alright then. But no, I'm just looking for Julian...I don't want the possibility of being outbid in an auction for him, and would rather just get him from the source. >_< Sorry...If no other person (people?) come in with Julian in hand, I'll consider your offer, Kyoko.

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Ambo, let me know if you have Julian in boxes. Then we can do this thing. o: If it's too much to ask, may I come to your town and see him? I just want to make sure I'm not getting scammed here, nothing personal.
Actually, you know what, I'm going to keep Marshal...I'm so sorry for this...but I realize I can't let him go. I would like to have ulian and Marshal in the same town, which is going to be difficult for me, but I'd rather try to get Julian the hard way than cycle out 16 villagers for Marshal..

Please forgive me for this! >~<

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Going to request this be closed/deleted..