Dad-Joking Trash
Update: Peaches stopped crafting - thank yall for stopping by!
Finally got cushions! Anyway-
Follow the rainbow arrows to casa de Peaches. (Back left of island, furthest house on the top row.) Able's and Nook's are left of the airport.
I'll be open for about an hour or until she stops crafting (not sure how long she'll be at it). Running is fine, just follow the paths.
Free stuff in the park left of the airport!
No entry fee, tips are welcome! They can be left at the waiting area in front of the airport. I'm looking for peach and orange cardboard boxes for my orchard if anyone has those, or hydrangea starts! Thank yall!
Finally got cushions! Anyway-
Follow the rainbow arrows to casa de Peaches. (Back left of island, furthest house on the top row.) Able's and Nook's are left of the airport.
Free stuff in the park left of the airport!
No entry fee, tips are welcome! They can be left at the waiting area in front of the airport. I'm looking for peach and orange cardboard boxes for my orchard if anyone has those, or hydrangea starts! Thank yall!
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