[closed, thanks!!!]


Junior Member
May 18, 2020
100% (1) +
hello hello! i'm new here so please forgive if anything looks odd :')
i'm offering 1 icon for 2 diys from my wishlist!
EDIT: only have one diy left on my wl so if u have iron shelf ill just do the icon nw about having two :3


p.s. hmu on twitter

* iron shelf - pending
* ironwood chair - pending
* ironwood dresser
* ironwood low table - pending
* iron doorplate - done!
* pine bonsai
* tree branch wreath

* wooden mini table - done!
* peach rug

please give me 1-2 weeks turnaround time! (depends on my schoolwork)
payment can be made at any time, but the piece will be watermarked until payment is made.

thanks for lookin!
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Could I have one for the peach rug and ironwood dresser diys? I'll pm refs if that's ok! <3
EDIT: I love your art but I only have the ironwood low table from your wishlist ><

Are you looking for any other DIYs? A full list of my dupes can be found here! I can also offer NMTs or IGB. But if you're only looking for those specific DIYs I totally understand and thank you for your time <3
hi! can I get an icon for the iron doorplate and wooden mini table diy? :>
EDIT: I love your art but I only have the ironwood low table from your wishlist ><

Are you looking for any other DIYs? A full list of my dupes can be found here! I can also offer NMTs or IGB. But if you're only looking for those specific DIYs I totally understand and thank you for your time <3
would you be willing to part with the doghouse recipe? <:
if that sounds good, please send a ref!

hi! can I get an icon for the iron doorplate and wooden mini table diy? :>
yep, please send a ref!
Hi, could I get an icon of my island rep?
I have Pine bonsai and Tree branch wreath
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