Cycling Closed

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The only dreamie I'm missing at this point is Beau... and I need a peppy villager but I dunno who... they're all so adorable... hnghnn
Omg lurking for bam and wolfgang..

hopefully i have space when theyre announce </3
My work schedule's awful. I can never run cycling threads and I end up voiding legitmately every villager I try to put up.
I'm thinking I might just cycle for friends at this point @_@
This would be a great time for me, haha

I'm probably just getting overemotional, but this is the third cycling thread I've made and in all of them, this tends to happen. No matter who I put up, they get voided. It's just a waste of my time and data on the site.

I'm not doing anything wrong am I? It's probably because it's so late. But I don't have time to cycle at any other time of the day because my job keeps me until 10-11PM CST and that's 2 hours earlier than the site's time x_x
I'm probably just getting overemotional, but this is the third cycling thread I've made and in all of them, this tends to happen. No matter who I put up, they get voided. It's just a waste of my time and data on the site.

I'm not doing anything wrong am I? It's probably because it's so late. But I don't have time to cycle at any other time of the day because my job keeps me until 10-11PM CST and that's 2 hours earlier than the site's time x_x

Yeah, that's late for this site. I've noticed it seems to die around 10p PST. In fact I've already seen a couple of threads where people were looking for Chief, but they're offline now. :(

You should probably just cycle for friends and also selectively (e.g. if you notice someone who happens to be LF a villager you have in your town at the time, do it via PM)
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Yeah... This sounds like a better idea.

Yeah ok, I'm just going to give him away somewhere... reddit or something.
This thread's closing. Gonna auction off Ankha, and maybe auction or give away/raffle Bam, and Wolfgang because these seem to be the ones people are after.

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