Giveaway closed


Sunny Side Up
Oct 30, 2013
Green Candy
Red Candy
Blue Candy
Yellow Candy
100% (132) +
Pekoe the normal bear cub is free to a good home.

Thought that someone might want her so I'll hold her for a while.
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What a cutie... God all the normal and peppy villagers are just too adorable... ; ;
LOL. IKR? Phoebe was the only Uchi I wasn't repulsed by. Save maybe one or two others...
LOL. IKR? Phoebe was the only Uchi I wasn't repulsed by. Save maybe one or two others...

EXACTLY. Phoebe is the only uchi villager I wanted. It's just so sad tho. I had Diva once and she gave me the creep. T__T
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Beau is like...ADAMANT on moving into the top left corner of the village...
He's not stuck there or anything because he's been plotted elsewhere,, but every other time it's that goddamn corner...

It's so inconvenient... lol I just want him to move to the left of Phoebe :T
Beau is like...ADAMANT on moving into the top left corner of the village...
He's not stuck there or anything because he's been plotted elsewhere,, but every other time it's that goddamn corner...

It's so inconvenient... lol I just want him to move to the left of Phoebe :T

Are you doing plot reset for Beau? :eek:
I am... it's not working anymore... I don't know why. I haven't logged onto any other character besides the new one, and no matter what, Beau just moves into the top left corner...
Ah I see. :( It happens to me too. The new villager that moves in ALWAYS move to that plot with all my hybrids are located. Annoying much.
He refuses to move anywhere else... Why? What's so special about that spot. I've reset like 10 times and he's STILL there. I didn't save, why is it fixating him to move there? It was making him move around before :TTTT

- - - Post Merge - - -

I REALLY don't want him to move there, but the game won't let me move him anywhere... :C
He refuses to move anywhere else... Why? What's so special about that spot. I've reset like 10 times and he's STILL there. I didn't save, why is it fixating him to move there? It was making him move around before :TTTT

I always find that my map is pretty small and with all the huge PWP around. That's why they are always plotted at where I breed hybrids. Maybe Beau just love that spot... LOL.

Ekkk no love for Pekoe? I'm pretty sure someone would want her. Maybe there isn't much people online during this time :(
In other news... Beau's not stuck there, he's just trolling me. He's moved so close to where I want him but he's always too far down or in the middle of my hybrid garden... :T
In other news... Beau's not stuck there, he's just trolling me. He's moved so close to where I want him but he's always too far down or in the middle of my hybrid garden... :T

LOL. Well at least he's not stuck at that corner! It's a good news.:blush: