Giveaway CLOSED


Senior Member
Jul 19, 2013
Winter Mittens
Pear (Fruit)
Silver Mailbox
100% (118) +
Maple is moving today and looking for a nice town to live in. Please post here if you want her, I'll check back regularly to see if anyone wants her. If there's more than one person interested I'll use a RNG to decide who gets her. :)
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Ah shame I have too many normals.. I'm sure someone here will give her a loving home c:
Just PM me since I'll check on my phone (if I'm not at my computer), & I'm pretty much always invisible.
I'll leave this open for about 2 more hours. I'll decide who gets her then if more people are interested. :) Good luck everyone!
Bones is now leaving unexpectedly and he's one of my favourite and original villagers :'( I'd be sooo grateful if I could get another dreamie in return
Alright, I'm going to put pengutango, Katie and AnimeK's names in the RNG now, just a minute. :)

- - - Post Merge - - -

Aaaaand the winner is Katie. ! :D Could you come over to pick her up now?
ahh I adore maple but I'm waiting for Francine to ping me first. ~__~ Goodluck with your giveaway!
I was wondering if Katie doesn't pick her up (since she's not on right now), would you do a re-draw? Just wondering.
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I will, I'm giving her 10 more minutes to respond to either this thread or my PM. I need to go to bed soon, but not before I see Maple go to a nice home. <3
Alright. Just let me know via PM since I'm about to start cycling so I'll pretty much be on my cycling thread. :3 (and settings)
I did a redraw and you came out the winner! Congrats. ^_^ I'll PM you now to make arrangements.