Hi! I can get you a science table, frock coat, mic stand, exotic chest, and relay tank for the cancer table and new Nintendo 3ds from Celeste’s RV.
Ahhh yay!! That sounds good to me. When would be a good time and day for you?
I can get on today around 7 pm Mountain time
Awesome, thanks!
oh i forgot to ask. would you like it dropped off or to be picked up?
oh i forgot to ask. would you like it dropped off or to be picked up?
I can go to you, but it really doesn’t matter! Would that work for you?
- - - Post Merge - - -
I can go to you, but it really doesn’t matter! Would that work for you?
thank you!! that sounds great! just let me know when you want the items and if it's a drop off or pick up. =) i have them in my closet awaiting you.Hi I have these:
-Hydrangea bed x4
-Bathroom shelf
-Kicks picture
-Sloppy dresser x2
-Flower bouquet x2
-New year’s noodles
Could you exchange with those please?:
-medicine cabinet
-desk bell
-file cabinet (L)
-busing station
-burger meal
-square minitable x3
-book stands
-meeting-room table
-reception chair x2
I have all items already on hands when you are ready for trade let me know. Thank you.
Thank you can you come to my town please?
I am available now if you can trade, I can open my gate now.
absolutely let me add ya my FC: 3669-4278-9883
Ok.my gate is opened.
Nevermind, I'm just now seeing that you're looking for one as well!Do you have a slushie machine? I don't have any of the items you're looking for, but I'm willing to pay bells.