Be the change you wish to see in the world.
Celeste is trapped at the airport entrance! Also free mystery bag for you as a thank you!
Please bring ANY four (4) of the following for me to catalog:
- Shirts/Dresses/Hats
(anything from these categories, can be things like coats, hair clips, etc.)
Please drop them immediately in front of me who will be seated.
I will give them right back to you once I pick them up, feel free to talk to Celeste as I do! My pockets will also be empty so no confusion or mishaps occur!
I'm trying to catalog as many clothes as I can to dress up my villagers in cute photoshoots on Harv's Island.
Thank you!
Dodo Code can be found in queue below:
Please bring ANY four (4) of the following for me to catalog:
- Shirts/Dresses/Hats
(anything from these categories, can be things like coats, hair clips, etc.)
Please drop them immediately in front of me who will be seated.
I will give them right back to you once I pick them up, feel free to talk to Celeste as I do! My pockets will also be empty so no confusion or mishaps occur!
I'm trying to catalog as many clothes as I can to dress up my villagers in cute photoshoots on Harv's Island.
Thank you!
Dodo Code can be found in queue below: