Club of Friend Codes to Visit


Deleted User

Please post your friend codes here and rules for your town.

My rules:

1) Do not trample the flowers near my house. I am trying to make rare breeds.
2) Do not tick off my townspeople. Some are grumpy as it is...
3) No spam mailing or spam texting. That leads to an auto 1-Day closing of my gates. So sad, right?
4) Only chop a tree with my permission.
5) Only Plant a tree if the fruit is not native to my town AND if you have my permission.
6) Tom Nook is really waiting for some customers. Please stop by every day to view his items.
7) If you want to place something in the meusseum, please do! We are eager to fill our Meusseum with plenty of exhibits.
8) If you know anything of Eisenhower Middle School with 5 stars, the 3 R's, and the R's and Stars program, and want to show that Middle School Eisenhower Generals Spirit (If you go to Dwight D. Eisenhower Middle School, Freehol, New Jersey, 07728, this applies to you) Plus the R's and stars program is here in town.
R's and Stars Program: It's really, here in EMS Town, the R's and Bells program. The 3 R's are:
1) Respectful
2) Responsible
3) Ready to Play
If you follow the 3 R's, u get Bells, if I see you following the 3 R's. So, do so and the reward may be good.
9) To take any of my designs from the Tailor shop, do so! I'll be glad to see people sharing and showing my designs.
10) Enjoy (without using cheats and/or destroying the lawn). Have fun. Be a CITY FOLK!