
Senior Member
Oct 6, 2005
Love Tokens
Cupid Coins
This is an Nintendo wifi clan...and we'll get together and stuff...

List of People
Animal Maniac

The HQ will be up whenever I get the chance to ask an admin.
Also, don't post in here if you don't have anything nice to say :).

So this is what one does when he is cut from a list for being inactive, and as a potential threat to the peace?

really man, you could do better than this... creating something thats so obviously a spinoff from someone elses hard labor, for shame kid.

I hope everyone on this forum has the ability to see why this "club" was created, to tear down mine.

Anyone joining here has lost a little of my respect. : (
PKMNMasterSamus said:
No, it's so I can be in a club. Since I can't be in the other one, why not make my own?
Because you're basically taking my idea and calling it your own.

even saying something like "oh credit goes to fish for originally having this club"

saying something like that doesn't get you out of this, that doesn't work in real life, and it certainly wont work here.

i dont see why you couldn't take being cut like a man... everyone else that was cut did... the place is full, and you weren't even active.
Well, if I would've acted irresponsible I would've started an uproar on the forum already :). I simply made my own club. I don't know what your problem is.
PKMNMasterSamus said:
Well, if I would've acted irresponsible I would've started an uproar on the forum already :). I simply made my own club. I don't know what your problem is.
yes, weird how you decided the name... then so suddenly changed it.

if you or anyone else that joins wants to live with the fact that this entire "club" is a steal of one better, more original club, fine by me.

if you can keep your concience clear while you so blatently steal something i created, go right ahead, why dont you take the forum buttons and write "PKMN" on them for yourself aswell, you've already stolen one thing today, whats stopping you from stealing another?

face it, you created this "club" in a fit of rage because you were not accepted in mine... which is even more funny, because you had been inactive for the past month and a half. you didn't seem to care at all until you were Cut. : \
There are tons of Wi-Fi clubs and anyone can start one if they want...
There are tons of Wi-Fi clubs and anyone can start one if they want...
Its not the idea that he's having a Club that i'm annoyed, its the idea that he's making it just to spite me.
Well...yeah, nothing was going on in today I saw that someone posted so I was going to go in it but I couldn't. Then I realized that the password was changed, and then I found out I was booted. So I decided to make my own wifi club. Seriously...don't post in here if you're going to be stupid...(not including storm's post that was a decent one).

@Odd: thanks for joining :|
@Copper: You realized the fake truth

:eek: and you soon found out that fish's club isn't original, you could say that he copied the person who made up wifi clans.
@Fish: will you please leave my club alone
PKMNMasterSamus said:
It's a wifi club...if you call mine a copy of fish's, fish's is a copy of the original wifi club
Its whats inside it thats more important... the guts of the club, i had created those guts, and right now you're trying to mimic it.

anyone joining really is losing my respect... but dont worry, we've already got you guys a new name... the PMS Fans. go with it.
PKMNMasterSamus said:
I normally don't take suggestions from non-members and this isn't an exception.
Well like it or not, its your clubs nickname... kinda catchy...

PMS Fan... it works.
PKMNMasterSamus said:
Umm..sorry, but I'm not using it

:) now have a good day.
thats why its a nickname, you dont use it, we do.

its what you're called.


and good day? its night, look at the banner silly goose. D: