Resident Representative Chibi of CherryDrop
Looking for a good home for Clyde. He is currently in packed up and ready to leave. I'm not charging for him, but a donation would be appropriated.
I'm not sure how giving villagers to other players work so if anyone would like to explain it to me I would be every grateful.
Clyde's New Leaf Official Stats:
Name: Clyde
Gender: Male
Personality: Lazy
Species: Horse
Birthday: May 1st
Star Sign: Taurus
Initial Phrase: "clip-clawp"
Initial Clothes: Bubble Gum Shirt
Picture Quote: "The grass is always greener"
Skill: Pretending to Sleep
Goal: Superhero
Coffee: Blend, Lots of milk and Three spoonfuls of sugar
I'm not sure how giving villagers to other players work so if anyone would like to explain it to me I would be every grateful.
Clyde's New Leaf Official Stats:
Name: Clyde
Gender: Male
Personality: Lazy
Species: Horse
Birthday: May 1st
Star Sign: Taurus
Initial Phrase: "clip-clawp"
Initial Clothes: Bubble Gum Shirt
Picture Quote: "The grass is always greener"
Skill: Pretending to Sleep
Goal: Superhero
Coffee: Blend, Lots of milk and Three spoonfuls of sugar
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