Co-op game recommendations


Tao, meow!
Nov 3, 2014
Red Cosmos
White Cosmos
Yellow Cosmos
Winter Mittens
Tasty Cake
February Birthstone (Amethyst)
Astral Inner Planet Floating Gold #10
Yellow Candy
So my girlfriend keeps wanting to play games with me...Not that it's a problem, I like doing that with her. I'm struggling to find much in the way of playing together locally though when it comes to co-op games (she's not a fan of playing AGAINST me...Because I don't let her win).

Looking for any recommendations for PC, Switch, PS3 and PS4 that can be played with local co-op since we only have one of each of those systems. We both have a 3DS so I'm open to suggestions there too...Maybe throw any suggestions for consoles pre PS3/360 too since my PC can...Do those.

Currently we've got:
- Divinity Original Sin
- Divinity Original Sin 2
- Don't Starve Together
- Cuphead
- Animal Crossing New Leaf (though it's not a game we can sit and play for ages)

Anything that supports crossplay would be fine too, unless it's Minecraft or Fortnite. Neither of us like those games.

There's probably a bunch of PC games I already own that are local co-op that I don't know about...Feeling I have to make this thread reminds me just how little local co-op is done these days. I have tons of co-op games, they just require 2 systems at least though.
If your GF is into horror games with a FPS camera, I suggest Left 4 Dead 1 and 2. A more recent similar game Warhammer Vermintide 2 as well. Overcooked was also fun to play
Like the poster above me, I'd say Left4Dead is a really good one to get. A friend of mine also brought her Switch over one night and we had so much fun playing Humans Fall Flat together which is a co-op puzzle game.

If you guys enjoy MMORPGs, I would also suggest Guild Wars 2. It's not co-op by definition, but it is definitely community-based. Completely soloable as well, but much more fun to play with friends.
Here are some of mine and my bfs favorite co-op games:

* Hero Siege
* Castle Crashers
* Dungeon Defenders
* Spelunky
* Overcooked
* LEGO Games
* Hammerwatch (one of our absolute faves!)
Here are some of mine and my bfs favorite co-op games:

* Hero Siege
* Castle Crashers
* Dungeon Defenders
* Spelunky
* Overcooked
* LEGO Games
* Hammerwatch (one of our absolute faves!)

Ohh I forgot about that one. Also the Simpsons Arcade if its on steam or PSN/Xboxlive
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Picked up Mario & Rabbids complete whilst it was on sale. Wasn't going to buy it for myself since I liked the idea and gameplay but hate Rabbids...She likes Rabbids though.

Grabbed Overcooked and Human Fall Flat based on these recommendations as well since they looked fun.

Also realised I had Vermintide 1+2, Left 4 Dead 1+2, Castle Crashers and Spelunky on Steam but I either forgot about them or didn't realise they were local Co-op. I'll definately be doing those now I've remembered they exist as well as looking into the others mentioned! I'm sure a Lego game for a franchise we both like will exist.

If you guys enjoy MMORPGs, I would also suggest Guild Wars 2. It's not co-op by definition, but it is definitely community-based. Completely soloable as well, but much more fun to play with friends.

I've got Guild Wars 2, tis a fun time. Unfortunately she doesn't have a computer that will run it which is a shame because I think it would be fun (unless it's crossplay on console now and I just didn't know?), as well as being free to play, which is the only thing stopping me from playing Final Fantasy XIV again (I'm not playing enough anymore to justify a subscription fee)
I'm pretty sure L4D and Vermintide don't support single-system co-op, but Castle Crashers and Spelunky definitely do. Though I'm pretty sure L4D supports local (LAN) co-op.
(Also I'm pretty sure Don't Starve Together doesn't support single-system co-op either.

A handful of games which I'd recommend, of varying genres and all supporting single-system multiplayer:

Helldivers (PC, PS4 | 1-4 players) - Basically, a top-down "twin-stick" shooter with emphasis on cooperation and not killing your friends. If you've played Magicka, it's by the same devs and has the same gamefeel. Supports both single-system and online co-op, and you can mix between them at will. (ie: 3 players on one system playing with another person online)
20XX (PC, XB1, PS4, Switch | 1-2 players) - Mega Man X, except it's a procedurally generated roguelite with single-system or online multiplayer. Most of the fun of this game comes from unlocking all the different items to appear in a run, and seeing what ridiculous results you get. (In that way, it's similar to The Binding of Isaac.)
Crypt of the NecroDancer (PC, Switch, PS4 | 1-2 players) - Bit of a nonstandard one this, as it's a rhythm-based dungeon crawler. Delve deep into the Crypt with enemies which follow predictable patterns. Some have compared this game to chess, except you have to make a move every second. A good idea if you're of similar skill levels, but it can become one-sided if you're not, despite it being a co-op experience. (If you want an easier time, the sequel Cadence of Hyrule is also available on Switch.)
Dungeon Defenders (PC, 360, PS3 | 1-4 players) - Tower defence with loot. Build your towers to stop the wave of oncoming bad guys from destroying your shiny crystal, or just stab them in the face with your own arsenal. Has full splitscreen support on all systems.
Terraria (PC, PS4, Switch | 1-256 players) - Arguably one of the kings of the "voxel builder" genre, and undeniably the one with the most content. From bare beginnings with a basic wooden yoyo and a dirt hut, eventually progressing to defeating the image of Cthulhu itself with a sword that fires cats. It's a little ridiculous. Note that the Switch version does not currently support splitscreen, but it's coming in an update. The PC version also doesn't technically support splitscreen, but someone's made a mod for it.
A Hat in Time (PC, other consoles too? | 1-2 or 1-50* players) - A collecty platformer, similarly to Super Mario Odyssey. This game shines in its very good level design and controls, though it can feel a little jank at times. (it doesn't exactly have the budget of Mario...) The base game supports 2 player splitscreen, and with the Nyakuza Metro expansion you also get access to a silly 50-player online party mode, which works simultaneously with splitscreen.
Trine 1 & 2 (PC, PS4, Switch, others too? | 1-3 players) - Fun, physics-based 2.5D platforming with 3 distinct characters, a rather charming story and an absolutely beautiful art style. It shines in 3-player multiplayer, but is perfectly playable with two. Just... don't play Trine 3. Trust me on this one.
I'm pretty sure L4D and Vermintide don't support single-system co-op, but Castle Crashers and Spelunky definitely do. Though I'm pretty sure L4D supports local (LAN) co-op.

The Xbox 360 versions (Xbox One compatible) of L4D 1 and 2 support local splitscreen co-op, not sure if the steam versions do (probably not). I also think the PS4 version of Borderlands: The Handsome Collection supports local splitscreen.
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Borderlands is super fun to play with other people!
the first one takes a while to become more interesting, but pre-sequel and 2 are very good 0v0

The only 'against each other' part in it is if you choose to duel one another, but otherwise it relies a lot on you working together.
Maybe give Sea of Thieves a try if its cheap.It has online co-op and its mostly just sailing in the water like in Wind Waker lol Its also not a very long game but the art style and water effects are cool.
I also heard Killsquad is a pretty good online co-op action rpg. I heard its a mixture of Diablo meets Destiny lol
I'd really recommend Unravel 2 and Portal 2.
Unravel 2 can be played single player but it's way more fun when it's coop.
Portal 2's coop mode is just fun to play, especially with all the ways you can kill each other "by accident."