Auction Coco is moving away! D: Auction to see where she moves to!


The Adventuring Mayor
Sep 23, 2013
Dusty Scroll
Yellow Candy
Pear (Fruit)
100% (14) +
Hello, one and all! Coco is moving out of town today, unknown to me till now! D:
I am sad to see her go, but don't want her being lost to the digital void that is 'move out', so I'm auctioning her off!
Bidding starts at 500,000 at increments of 100,000. I will also consider offers on top of bids.
7/11 set w/o ABD counts for 2 mil, w/ ABD counts for 5 mil.

Auction ends at 9pm West-coast time (Midnight east-coast), so last offer before then gets her. I will check back at or slightly after 9pm to see who won, and will open my gates for the trade then.

Best of luck to you all!
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I'd like to bid with the starting 500 000 bells. :) (Is there any way to autobuy her? She's a dreamie of mine.)
I'm not sure how many are interested in Coco, so I was going to see how the bidding went before setting an autobuy. Do you have a time constrain that won't allow you to be on at the end? I could consider autobuys later this evening when I return from my classes.
I can bid the full 7/11 set and 600K bells.
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Alright, current bid is full 7/11 (5 mil) with 600k. Total: 5 mil 600k

- - - Post Merge - - -

I'm off to class till 4. If any questions arise, PM me.
Something has come up and I have to cut this short. It's ending now.
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